Fight for today !为今天而奋斗!

Fight for today !为今天而奋斗!

2017-04-03    01'37''

主播: 跟Steven老师学英语

69 0

Fight for today ! 为今天而奋斗! Ladies and Gentlemen , I want to share an important quote with you , "Yesterday is a memory , tomorrow is a dream , live for today ! " I hope that you will try your best to use your unique talents to make today productive and fruitful . You cannot worry about your mistakes of yesterday . You should now waste your energy worrying about what will happen tomorrow . The only thing you can control is what you do today . Make the most of today and you will win everything . Thank you for your time and attention . 女士们,先生们,我想和大家分享一句格言:"昨天是回忆,明天是梦想,为今天而活!"我希望你们能全力发挥你们独特禀赋,让今天更充实高效。不要再为昨天的错误担心,不要浪费精力担心明天要发生的事情。你唯一能做的就是掌控今天所做的事。充分利用今天,你就能赢得一切。谢谢大家 微信号: stevenxingchinese