微信/ Wechat ID : stevenxingchinese Everyone knows that exercise is important . We all need to exercise . Doctors say it is good for us . It makes your heart and body strong . Children who often exercise are more alert . This means they do better in tests and schoolwork than those who don't exercise . There are many ways to exercise . You can walk , swim , run , skate or play ball games . Try all kinds of things until you find one , two or even three sports that feel right for you . Exercising is fun . Exercising is good for your health . Exercising makes you smarter . Do your body and mind a favor and exercise every day ! 每个人都知道锻炼身体很重要,我们都需要锻炼。医生说锻炼身体对我们的健康有益,它使你的心灵健康,使你的身体强壮。 经常锻炼身体的孩子反应敏捷。这意味着在考试和做作业时,他们比不锻炼身体的孩子做的更好。 锻炼的方式有很多种。你可以散步、游泳、跑步、滑冰、或进行球类运动。所有的运动项目都尝试一下,最后找到最适合你自己的一种、两种甚至三种运动项目。 锻炼乐趣无穷。锻炼有益于健康。锻炼使你变得更聪明。帮你的身体、你的头脑一个忙,每天锻炼身体吧!