English ——the international language 英语——国际语言

English ——the international language 英语——国际语言

2017-05-03    01'19''

主播: 跟Steven老师学英语

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Wechat ID/微信号: stevenxingchinese English ——the international language 英语——国际语言 English is very widely used . It is spoken by people in England , the United States , Australia , India , and many other countries all over the world . It is one of the working languages at international meetings . Most international business letters are written in English . Thousands of books and magazines are written in English too . If you know English , you will find you can enjoy so many more books . English is really a bridge to so much knowledge . If you master English , you master the world . 英语的使用非常广泛。英国人说英语,美国人说英语,澳大利亚人说英语,印度人说英语,世界上许多其他国家的人也说英语。英语是国际会议的工作语言之一。大部分国际商务信函使用英语。成千上万的书籍、杂志也用英语。如果你懂英语,你会发现你能欣赏更多的书籍。英语的确是通向许多知识的桥梁。如果你掌握了英语,你就掌握了世界。