【娇娇的原创诗】贪 | Greed

【娇娇的原创诗】贪 | Greed

2020-10-05    08'13''

主播: 娇点英语

231 1

【娇娇的原创诗】贪 | Greed 大家好,我是Nina 娇娇,在美国芝加哥录制节目。2020年新冠病毒在肆虐,我也过起了漫长的宅家生活。和中国一样,不出门就是为国家做贡献,所以,我作为一个小老鼠过起了真正的“鼠年生活”。我已经有一个月多月没有外出了,原以为呆在家的日子是无聊而乏味的,可事实上,我过得很充实。在这里,为大家送上我在宅家期间写的一首诗。 Greed 《贪》 作者:Nina Zhan 娇娇 “I will grant you many wishes, Each will bring you many flourishes; Choose wisely and be rewarded, Become foolish and be deplored;” “我将予以你们很多的愿望, 每一个都会给你们带来繁荣。 明智地抉择将得到回报, 愚蠢地选择将换来痛惜。” Enchanting mountains frozen in snow, Curious seedlings ready to grow; Waltzing flowers showing their hue, Caroling wind with birds that flew; 山脉迷人地披上了银白色的外衣, 怀揣好奇之心的幼苗欲破土而出。 花朵在华尔兹下炫动它们的色彩, 鸟儿在微风中轻唱那甜美的颂歌。 We received these gifts and were content, But only for a while as time went; Slowly, slowly, we grew out of greed, Forgetting about our promise from our need; 我们收到了这些礼物,很满足, 但是随着时间的流逝, 慢慢地…慢慢地…我们在贪婪中成长, 在贪婪中忘却了我们的承诺。 We asked for more, never satisfied, Our oath of our wishes did not bide; Endangering animals, cutting down trees, Giving the earth numerous pleas; 我们的要求变得更多,从不满足, 我们迫不及待地获取, 伤害动物,砍伐树木, 向地球提出了更多的要求。 “Enough!” she cried in despair, “Your ungratefulness is more than I can bear;” And so she punished us, with furious heart, Our wishes, one by one, did depart; “够了!”她绝望地哭了, “你们的忘恩负义是我无法忍受的。” 于是她用愤怒的心惩罚我们, 将我们的欲望逐个封锁。 “As I said, you will be deplored, Due to your broken promise, you won’t be rewarded;” And so she cursed us, without second thought, Spreading viruses and taking away what she had brought; “正如我所说,你们会感到痛惜, 违背了诺言,你们将得不到回报!” 于是她毫不留情地诅咒我们, 抛出病毒 并收回她带来的一切。 And thus we realized our mistake, How foolish our actions were, to make; The generous gifts that the earth offers to, Those are the things we need to cherish as true 至此,我们意识到了我们的错误, 我们的行为有多么愚蠢。 地球给我们的礼物 是如此慷慨, 那些才是我们 最初应该珍惜的。 感谢收听娇点节目,聆听我写的诗。一场疫情改变了无数人的生活轨迹,宅家的日子促使我们思考,善待万物,感受美好,风雨同舟,守望相助。尽管我们相隔万里,但是我们同住一个地球。