【娇娇的原创诗】魔鬼的天敌 | The Monster's Enemy

【娇娇的原创诗】魔鬼的天敌 | The Monster's Enemy

2020-10-05    05'04''

主播: 娇点英语

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娇点英语 主播:娇娇 坐标:美国 芝加哥 The Monster's Enemy 魔鬼的天敌 作者:Nina Zhan 娇娇 We have fallen in the clutches, The clutches full of virus; As he sits high from above, Watching prey to fall; Into the trap he has made, 我们掉入了陷阱 陷阱里弥漫着病毒 它高高地坐在上方 看着猎物掉入它的陷阱 Again and again he waves his wand; To cast viruses on unfortunate souls, Watching more death and sadness spread; 它一次又一次地挥动魔棒 将病毒抛向不幸的灵魂, 看着更多的死亡和悲伤蔓延 As our story of woe was written, We were the prey of this despair; 当我们的伤感故事 被记录下来的时候 我们是魔爪下绝望的牺牲品 We didn't flinch once in this mortal battle, In this raging virus, we were fearless; Our brave words did not falter or silence, “There will be a peaceful day beyond this night;” 在这殊死的战斗中,我们没有退缩 在这肆虐的病毒里,我们无所畏惧 我们勇敢的话语,没有动摇也从未沉默 “今夜之后,会有一个平静的日子。” And then he found, That we had built a fortress with our souls; That our unity lit a flame of peace, 于是它发现 我们用灵魂筑起一座堡垒 我们用团结燃起一道烈焰 And then he found; He belittles the meaning of life, Our perseverance is his greatest enemy 于是它发现 它浅薄了生命的意义 我们的毅力是它最大的天敌 在与冠状病毒抗争期间,即便我们身处世界不同地区,我仍然希望我们作为一个整体,能够点燃和平与希望之光。 我相信,心怀信念之光,我们才可以团结一致,因为这是战胜人类所有危险的关键。 During the Covid 19 pandemic we have been going through, I still hope that we together as one, can ignite a light of peace and of hope, and even though we are in different sections of the world. I think we can be united as one with this light of faith, because that is the key to combating all dangers of mankind. --娇娇