

2020-11-22    02'26''

主播: 娇点英语

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【娇点英语】雨的味道 主播:娇娇 Nina Zhan(美国) 9岁录音 If I've been outside before a rainfall in the Spring, 如果我在春雨降临之前呆在外面 I might have noticed a particularly fresh or sweet smell, 却会感觉到一种特殊的味道 that seeps into the air a few minutes before the first drop begin to fall, why? 在下雨之前的几分钟里,空气中弥漫着一股特殊的清香。为什么? If you're familiar with this smell, it's a great way to predict when the rain is about to start. 如果你对这种味道很熟悉,那你能很好的预测什么时候会下雨。 What exactly makes the air smell like rain? 到底是什么让空气充满雨的味道呢? A lot of stories and folk tales have arisen to explain this older. 有许多故事和民间传说,解释这种气味的由来。 Long ago, people used to believe that rain clouds picked up sweet smells from heaven, and the rain carried these angelic orders to Earth. 很久以前,人们以为是乌云吸收了天上的甜蜜气味。然后,由雨点将这种美好的气味带入人间。 A more up-to-date but equally incorrect-version of this folktales is that the smell comes from ozone, 还有一个最新但也同样错误的版本,说这些气味来自于臭氧。 carried from the upper atmosphere by the falling rain. 下雨时,将臭氧从高空带到地面。 In fact, that fresh smell isn't coming down from the sky and all. 实际上这种清新的空气根本不是来自于天上。 It's coming up, from the ground beneath your feet. 它来自于你脚下的泥土 As a spring right approaches, the humidity level at the ground tends to increase. 当大雨来临之际,地面的湿度水平会上升。 Moist air is much better than dry air at transmitting smiles, 潮湿的空气比干燥的空气传播的气味效果更好, Oh! This is way my mom asks me to use warm steaming water to carry the smell from dried potpourri into the air of my house. 这就是我的妈妈为什么会让我用温暖的水蒸气,将干燥的花香散播在我的房间里的原因。 As the humidity rise, the most moist air carries the fresh smell of oil, secreted by grass and other ground plants, up to your nose. 随着湿气加重,潮湿的空气会把草和植物分泌的芳香传到你的鼻子里。 It also carries the odors of ground dwelling bacteria and fungi. 同时,也会带给你地表真菌和细菌的味道。 Yes, These smells are always in the air immediately above the ground, 这些气味就停留在了地表上方的空气里。 as I can test for myself by sticking my nose into my lawn and breathing deeply. 如果我把鼻子紧贴地面,深深呼吸,我可以闻到这种气味。 When a rainstorm approaches and the humidity climbs, the order rises up from its earthly embrace and you say - it smells is like rain! 当暴雨来临时,湿度增加,气味就离开了大地,这时你会闻到雨的味道! Yeah, that explains. Oops it's raining! 啊,原来如此。哦,真的下雨了!