

2021-02-24    04'29''

主播: 娇点英语

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【娇点英语】小猫的梦 主播:娇娇 (华裔)9岁录音 亲爱的听众朋友们,你们好!我是Nina 娇娇。今天我为你读 Margaret Wise Brown 著作的《听世界念一首晚安诗》中的一首“小猫的梦”,希望大家喜欢。 He heard a bird 它听见一只鸟 He heard a flea 它听见一只跳蚤 He thought he heard a linden tree 它听见一颗菩提树在 Singing to a bumblebee 对一只大黄蜂歌唱 He heard the rain 它听见雨水 He haerd a train 和火车飞驰而过 He thought he heard the Queen of Spain 它听见西班牙皇后 Gayly whisting an old refrain 在快乐的哼唱着哟收古老的副歌 He heard a fish jump in the lake 它听到池塘中鱼一跃而过 He had a fight with a birthday cake 它和生日蛋糕的战争难以挣脱 He hard himself bein to sing 它听见自己在唱歌 And dreamed he was awake 它梦见自己醒来了