281. The Subtle Way Most People Self-Sabotage 

281. The Subtle Way Most People Self-Sabotage 

2017-03-05    02'34''

主播: imrhu

39 2

The Subtle Way Most People Self-Sabotage – And How to Prevent It By Neil Strauss There’s a secret to the success I’ve had. And it is something I haven’t shared and haven’t seen anyone else directly discuss. Yet I’ve seen many, many people sabotage themselves in big and small ways by not doing this. It’s so simple, yet so hard for most people to do. The secret: Taking recommendations and advice immediately and correctly. I’m so passionate about this. It has led to not just to every book I’ve ever written, but to all of the greatest experiences and growth in my life. It is the reason why, when I start off learning a new skill, I’m usually the worst at it in the room, but tend to progress quickly to an advanced level. It is also the reason why I’ve been able to have great mentors: They see results. My obsession with taking advice ranges from small recommendations like books and restaurants to big recommendations around changing beliefs and behaviors. Most people think they take recommendations, but this isn’t true. They take advice only when hearing things they already agree with or that make sense to them or that don’t require any major changes–and that’s only if they remember the actual suggestions. Here’s the problem with that way of operating: If you are seeking advice, then clearly there is something you need help with in your life. And if you’re only acting on what “makes sense” or “is easy” or “sounds right” to you, then you’re not actually going to get out of the hole you’re in. You’ve been doing what “makes sense” all along on some level. I’ve found this to be especially true when it comes to human behavior: What “makes sense” and “is logical” is not always what’s actually effective. Or, on a personal level, to paraphrase The Truth: We’re too close to ourselves to see clearly enough to get out of our own way. It is the ideas that don’t make sense, the ideas that you resist, the ideas that seem stupid, the ideas that you mentally write-off, and especially the ideas that you form logical arguments against that will lead to your biggest breakthroughs. As the saying goes: What got you here won’t get you there.