

2017-07-10    02'12''

主播: 铅笔英语

48 13

Nick: Hi everybody, this is Nick. Welcome to teaching series “how do you say this in American English.” Nick:大家好,我是Nick. David: Hi my name is David. 欢迎大家订阅查看微信公众号“ 铅笔英语”,有更多精彩免费内容。同时如果大家有什么想学的表达,可以在评论留言告诉我,或者在新浪微博@黄宏敏Nick私信告诉我。上一期我们讲解了欠你一份人情,用美语怎么说。那这期我们接着讲,我们扯平了。因为当你欠别人一份人情的时候,你还了别人一份人情,这个时候,你们两个就扯平了。那么,扯平怎么说。 Nick: David, thank you soooo much for asking maddy about me. Thank you for telling me that. Like I said I owe you one. Let’s grab some food together! Like I promised you before. David: You are welcome! You actually don’t need to buy me a meal. Coz I need your help as well… Nick: What’s up! David: So I wanna give a present to Vivian. Nick: Oh, Vivian, that girl? David: Yeah, can you help me to translate some English words into Chinese and teach me how to write them down? I wanna give her a surprise. Nick: Yeah no problem! what a great idea. But the Chinese characters might be hard to write, you sure about that? David: Yeah I’m sure. Nick: Ok, I can help for sure. Just show me the words later. David: Thanks bro! Now we’re even. I helped you, you helped me, that’s a win-win! Nick: Yeah that’s right. Awesome dude! 那我们刚刚就说,欠别人一份人情,之后你要还,还的时候就扯平了,扯平叫“we’re even.”.就是我们谁也不欠谁了。或者你翻译成咱俩谁也不欠谁。So this is pretty much it for this time. I’ll see you next time, bye David: See you guys