

2015-10-11    02'59''

主播: 英语环球

296 57

With its unhelpful locals and general aloofness, Moscow has been dubbed the unfriendliest city in the world. 莫斯科由于不乐于助人的居民和整体的冷漠氛围,获得了世界上最不友好城市的称号。 The US and France also fared poorly, with the French cities of Cannes and Marseille and five US cities including Los Angeles and New York entering the top 10. 美国和法国也表现不佳,法国的戛纳和马赛以及美国的5个城市(包括洛杉矶和纽约)都跻身世界最不友好城市前十。 The results show that even some of the world's most loved cities, famed for their vibrant nightlife, impeccable culture and delicious food may still have a few things to learn when it comes to kindliness. 这个结果表明,即使是那些以充满活力的夜生活、无可挑剔的文化和美味的食物闻名、世界上最受喜爱的城市,在友善待人这件事上,可能也有很多东西要学习。 Moscow, Europe's largest city and one of the fastest growing tourist destinations in the world according to the MasterCard Global Destination Cities Index, was found to have unhelpful locals and a general "aloofness" by survey participants, plunging it to the bottom of the list. 根据万事达卡世界旅行目的地城市指数,欧洲最大的城市莫斯科是全球发展最快的旅游目的地之一。不过调查参与者认为莫斯科的居民不乐于助人和整体的氛围很“冷漠”,使其跌至榜单底部。 Readers of Travel + Leisure were asked to rank 266 world cities on a range of categories including "the friendliness of their people". 旅游杂志《旅行+休闲》邀请读者对全球266个城市进行“城市居民的友好程度”等方面的排名。 In the US, Atlantic City in New Jersey was ranked the second unfriendliest city with one visitor commenting: "It's fun - if you like to gamble and don't mind rude, fast-paced people." 美国新泽西州的大西洋城在最不友好城市中排名第二,有一位游客评论称:“去大西洋城旅游很有趣—如果你喜欢赌博而且不介意粗鲁无礼和走得很快的人们的话。” The country's popular tourist destinations of Los Angeles and New York also ranked in the top ten. One irritated visitor said that Los Angeles was full of "Rude, unhelpful people trying to scam you for everything", while one tourist said ofNew York: "New York has everything—just don't ask a person in the street to help you find it." 美国最受欢迎的旅游目的地洛杉矶和纽约也入围前十。一位恼怒的游客说洛杉矶到处都是“粗鲁无礼又不乐于助人的人,他们恨不得每件事都诓骗你”,而另一位游客这样评论纽约:“纽约拥有一切—只是不要在街上让别人帮助你找到它。” Galway in Ireland, on the other hand, was classed as the friendliest city in the world with visitors saying it was home to the "friendliest people they had every met". 另一方面,爱尔兰的戈尔韦被评为了世界上最友好的城市,游客称其为“他们遇到过的最友好的人”的故乡。 Edinburghwas also praised for its friendliness, with reader's describing the Scottish city as "enchanting" and "magical". 爱丁堡的友好度也备受赞誉,《旅行+休闲》的读者描述这个苏格兰城市为“迷人的”而且“有魔力的”。 The world’s unfriendliest cities: 世界最不友好城市排名: 1) Moscow, Russia 俄罗斯,莫斯科 2) Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA 美国新泽西州,大西洋城 3) St Petersburg, Russia 俄罗斯,圣彼得堡 4) Marseille, France 法国,马赛 5) Los Angeles, California, USA 美国加利福尼亚州,洛杉矶 6) New York, New York, USA 美国纽约州,纽约 7) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA 美国宾夕法尼亚州,费城 8) Baltimore, Maryland, USA 美国马里兰州,巴尔的摩 9) Las Vegas, Nevada, USA 美国内华达州,拉斯维加斯 10) Cannes, France 法国,戛纳 11) Beijing, China 中国,北京 12) Miami, Florida, USA 美国佛罗里达州,迈阿密 13) Washington, D.C., USA