【能量午餐】什么音乐最适合运动听? 主播Napoli

【能量午餐】什么音乐最适合运动听? 主播Napoli

2015-10-11    01'37''

主播: 英语环球

447 63

Looking for a perfect tune for your workout? 你在寻找最适合健身的音乐吗? Michael Jackson&`&s &`&Beat It&`& has the optimal beat. So does &`&Gangnam Style&`& by Psy and Lady Gaga&`&s &`&Edge of Glory.&`& 迈克尔·杰克逊(Michael Jackson)的《走开》(Beat It)节奏非常理想。朴载相(Psy)的《江南Style》(Gangnam Style)和嘎嘎小姐(Lady Gaga)的《荣耀之巅》(Edge of Glory)也是一样。 Research has found that at the right tempo, music can reduce the sense of exertion as well as boost motivation. Costas Karageorghis, deputy head of research at the School of Sport and Education at London&`&s Brunel University, says the &`&sweet spot&`& for workout music is between 125 and 140 beats per minute when people aren&`&t trying to time their movements to the music. Previously, experts believed that the faster a person exercises, the faster the music tempo should be。 研究发现,节奏适当的音乐能够减少疲劳感并增强积极性。伦敦布鲁内尔大学(Brunel University)运动与教育学院(School of Sport and Education)科研副主管科斯塔斯·卡拉乔吉斯(Costas Karageorghis)说,健身时音乐的理想节奏是每分钟125到140拍,这时人的动作能较为轻松地跟上节奏。而在此之前,专家认为一个人运动的节奏越快,相应的音乐节奏也应该越快。 Other new studies have shown that when athletes synchronize their movements to a musical beat, their bodies can handle more exertion: Treadmill walkers had greater stamina and cyclists required less oxygen uptake. And swimmers who listened to music during races finished faster than others who didn&`&t。 其它新研究表明,当运动员的动作与音乐节奏同步时,他们的肢体会更有力量:在跑步机上慢跑的人会有更强的耐力,而单车骑行者需氧量也会减少。游泳者在比赛时听音乐会比不听的人更快到达终点。