

2015-11-18    04'27''

主播: 英语环球

151 27

怎么说那些尴尬的事? 尴尬,有的时候就是干的嘎巴儿--眼睛里,鼻子里,耳朵里。。。 Let’s talk about shit, all kinds of shit. 鼻屎--booger, I picked a booger out of my nose 鼻涕--snot, you have snot running out of your nose. 你个鼻涕虫!You snot-nosed brat! 眼屎--eye gunk, sleepies I always have eye gunk when I get up in the mornings. 放屁:fart, let off, have wind, have gas I have excessive gas 屎:poo, shit 粪:Faeces--pile of faeces (文雅骂人)Excrement: you are excrement wrapped in a Burberry coat. (动物粪便)Dung: the water buffalo left a pile of dung (牛粪)Cow pat: her hair bun looks like a cow pat. Bullshit/BS, horseshit:狗屁 拉屎:take a dump, do a number two, squeeze out a poo 铺电线Lay some cable 直肠子:everything just goes straight through 在马桶上:on the john, in the loo/dunny, on the throne, hugging the porcelain bus 呕吐:Throw up, vomit, sick