【食神吃货闲聊丨Leia】食神吃货闲聊 - 豆腐和鸡肉

【食神吃货闲聊丨Leia】食神吃货闲聊 - 豆腐和鸡肉

2015-11-18    04'22''

主播: 英语环球

435 42

大家好,欢迎大家收听食神吃货闲聊 , 我是食神吗? In food we trust --我的宗旨, 今天我们就请来吃货一枚,Nick Hello Nick Hello 你好 So you're a bit of a foodie? 你算是个美食家? What was that you were saying about in food we trust? 你刚才说什么“民以食为天”? in Chinese we have a saying, food is the most important thing in the world, do you see that in China? 我们中国人有个说法,吃是最重要的,你在中国觉得是这样的吗? Yeah but how you could trust tofu? 好吧,但是豆腐这玩意儿怎么是食物? Well what have you got , what did the soft, silken white bits of protein ever do to you? 豆腐怎么了,这柔软丝滑的白色蛋白质怎么招惹你了? Well it's not really food, what's in there, it's just milk, stuff 这根本不是食物啊,就是奶...什么的 Milk, there is no milk in tofu, it's beans?! 奶,豆腐里面哪里有奶,是豆子做的啊! Yeah, but it's, you know, obviously there's soy milk there. 肯定有豆奶在里面啊。 You have a point there. 这倒是。 But tofu is basically just a really bad substitute for you know, proper protein. 豆腐作为真正蛋白质的替代物就是很差。 But it's healthy, it's vegetarian, it's environmentally friendly. 但是豆腐很健康,还是素食品,而且环保。 The vegetarian bit is a crock because you could take masses of potatoes, chuck it in vegetable oil, and fry it, and call it fries, and that's vegetarian as well. What is it with vegetarians that they think they're better than everyone else. 素食这玩意儿太扯了,你拿一堆土豆,扔到一锅油里面炸成薯条,那也是素食品啊。素食者老是自我感觉良好。 Anyway, back to tofu, you once told me that you love Mapo Tofu, right? 接着说豆腐,你以前说过你爱吃麻婆豆腐,对吗? Yeah, Mapo Tofu works, but when you cook it as a substitute for something useful, like chicken, it's... 是啊,麻婆豆腐还行,但是作为更有用的食物的替代品,比如,鸡肉,还是... How is chicken useful? 请问鸡肉怎么有用? It tastes like food, tofu doesn't taste like food. That's why Mapo tofu is good, because you've got to add lots of stuff so it actually tastes like something useful. Tofu on its own just tastes like cardboard. 鸡肉吃起来像食物,豆腐吃起来啥都不是。所以麻婆豆腐好吃,因为加了好多东西给它入味儿。光豆腐就是像吃纸盒子一样的。 But you also say that you can tolerate toilet tissue tofu, and by that, ladies and gentlemen, I mean 千张,豆腐皮,yes ladies and gentlemen, we have an inventor on our hands. 不过你也说过你能吃“厕所纸豆腐”,也就是千张,豆腐皮,各位女士们先生们,他的词汇真的很有创意。 Don't you reckon it reminds you of toilet paper? 你不觉得像厕所纸吗? Do you use toilet paper that's that thick? I don't usually eat my toilet paper, do you? 你用的厕所纸这么厚吗? 而且我一般不吃我的厕所纸,你吃吗? But if you scrunch it up. Are you a folder or a scruncher? 要是揉成一团。你一般用厕纸是叠起来还是揉起来? We are going off on a tangent. I usually fold it into origami. 我们跑题了。我一般叠成日本纸鹤。 That would be a bit painful, wouldn't it? It doesn't sound all that practical. 那会有点疼吧? 听起来不是很实际。 If I'm using tofu, it might be. 如果我用豆腐皮,可能还行。 Well yes, toilet paper tofu works, it's got texture, then it's interesting, and you go down to the food store, you see ladies cutting up large bits of tofu, and you go, eeegh, it's just not very appetising. 好吧,厕所纸豆腐就是好吃,有口感。你去食品店看到售货员切那一块块的豆腐,你的感觉就是,呃,好没胃口。 So what other rants do you have against Chinese food, chicken feet?那你对其它中国食品有什么要吐槽的呢? 鸡爪? Chicken feet's ok, the pickled chicken feet, with the toenails still in there, why would you have the toenail? 鸡爪没事,就是那种山椒泡鸡爪,带着指甲的那种,为什么留着指甲呢? You haven't been eating at proper joints. Maybe you had it as street food, and they got a bit lazy with the toenail clippers. 你可能去的地方太低极了吧。 街边摊儿,可能剪指甲方面有点偷懒。 No no no, you can buy them pre-packaged in cryovac thing, when I used to live in Wuhan, and Chongqing, and you see the toenails, is that like a toothpick for afterwards or something? I don't quite understand why you'd want the toenail. 不是不是,是买的那种真空包装的,以前我住在武汉,后来重庆,都看见过带指甲的,是饭后剔牙用的吗? 我不太明白为什么要留着指甲。 OK, that is very insightful, and that's where we'll leave it until the next episode of 食神and 吃货闲聊, goodbye guys. 好吧,非常有洞察力,今天先到这儿,下期的食神吃货闲聊再见!