

2015-11-18    05'56''

主播: 英语环球

1029 43

环球杀马特之007土豪指南,下集。 希望你喜欢上期节目我们带来的完全不实用007时尚指南。 绝望过后,擦干泪水和口水,我们还是鼓励大家不要放弃幻想的。 所以,今天,咱们就来看看那些已经实现幻想的亿万富翁邦德迷们都在玩些啥。准备好面巾纸。 Bond-loving billionaires and their toys 买得起omega seamaster 300邦德款手表?那你只算是土豪里面的穷人,也就百万级别吧。真正亿万级别的的豪,讲究的是原版阿斯顿马丁DB5,也就是拍摄007金手指电影的那辆车。他们玩的是至少五百万美金,三千万人民币的心跳。 Any average millionaire can buy the Omega Seamaster 300 worn by Daniel Craig in the new James Bond movie, "Spectre." But only a multimillionaire or billionaire can afford the original Aston Martin DB5 used in "Goldfinger," valued at a minimum $5 million. 典型的豪,比如特斯拉的Elon Musk,他是富二代。从小就爱看邦德电影。他惊讶于1977年那部007电影里的莲花牌轿车。那款车可以变身潜水艇。于是,当当年电影里使用的其中一辆原版车在2013年出现在拍卖会上时,他花了一百万美金零花钱就收入囊中。结果回家才发现这辆车是个车皮,摆设,根本不能开的。土豪CEO于是决定改装车,加入特斯拉的发动机创造一辆真正的潜艇车。你看,土豪们的世界也讲究双手勤劳致富呢。额。。。 Take Elon Musk. When he was a kid, the billionaire Tesla chief watched "The Spy Who Loved Me," the 1977 flick starring Roger Moore as James Bond. Musk has said he was amazed by the Lotus Espirit sports car that turned into a submarine. So when one of the cars used in the film came up for auction in 2013, he bought it for just under $1 million. When Musk discovered that it didn't actually function as a car, he said he would install a Tesla powertrain to make it work as a true submarine car. 不过,Elon Musk这点007的收藏在富豪界说出去简直就是丢人现眼。有一个美国豪门,姓Dezer,拥有世界上最大的邦德车收藏。这个家族靠搞地皮发家。他们拥有阿斯顿马丁V12征服,又叫作隐形的一款车。这辆车出现在邦德电影择日而亡里。这辆车在电影里的确会隐身。他们还有一辆捷豹XKR,也出现在同一部电影里,是反派的座驾。 But it's the Dezer family who has what is believed to be the largest collection of Bond cars in the world. The Dezers own and develop real estate in Florida and other states, They own the Aston Martin V12 Vanquish — aka "The Vanish" — from "Die Another Day," along with the green Jaguar XKR driven by that movie's villain, Zao. 这个家族还拥有一辆珊瑚色的福特雷鸟,也就是哈利贝瑞在007电影里面开的那辆。还有1937年的金手指里面出现的一辆黑黄相间的劳施莱斯。 They also own the coral Ford Thunderbird driven by Halle Berry's character, Jinx, as well as the 1937 black and yellow Rolls-Royce driven by Oddjob in "Goldfinger.” 当然, 以上这些车都要给一辆让道,那就是之前提到的500万美金阿斯顿马丁DB5。Dezer收藏的那辆还完好保留了车上的机关枪和操控盘。 Their biggest Bond trophy is the Aston Martin DB5, also used in "Goldfinger." 这个家族邦德车的总价值约合3500万美金,那可是2.2亿人民币啊。 The estimated value of all their Bond-cars: Around $35 million. 炫富不能停。我们还没说邦德游艇呢。美国长岛的汽车大亨John Staluppi为了表达对于邦德电影的热爱,把自己的18艘游艇全部用邦德电影起名字。 现在,Staluppi正在打造一艘新游艇,取名当然就叫做幽灵党。这艘游艇耗资5000万美金,不过要等到2017年才造好,比幽灵党电影是晚了两年。不过这丝毫不妨碍它的成为一件标志性的邦德炫富作品。 Staluppi is currently building a new yacht, named, not surprisingly, "Spectre". The yacht is expected to cost more than $50 million when it's done. But unlike the movie, it won't be released until 2017. 好啦,我允许大家听到这里哭一下。 哎呀,炫不起富,咱们还是可以买得起电影票滴。一起去和邦德一起踏上凶险刺激的间谍之旅吧。