

2015-12-01    02'42''

主播: 英语环球

188 27

Chris Andersen has spent a lifetime raising money on Wall Street. Now he's raising pigs. 克里斯安德森花去了几乎大半生时间从华尔街捞钱,但是现在,他从猪身上捞钱。 Andersen has spent the last eight years investing in and experimenting with raising Mangalitsa pigs, considered the "Kobe beef of pork.” 安德森过去八年一直养一种叫做欧洲来的叫做Mangalitsa的猪,简言之,你可以认为是猪肉里的“日本雪花牛肉”! Mangalitsas are native to Austria and Hungary, and they come in three colors—blonde, red and black. They have higher fat content than most pigs, but Andersen said it's healthier, monounsaturated fat. 这种猪是匈牙利和奥地利猪种的杂交后代,有三种颜色-金色,红色和黑色。他们含有很多脂肪,但是安德森说都是健康的单一不饱和脂肪。 Andersen said it wasn't until after he tasted Spanish hams in Europe that he realized there might be money to be made in bringing that kind of pork to America. 安德森说他在欧洲吃完西班牙火腿以后感觉这种猪肉太棒了,觉得引进美国绝对有钱赚。 It hasn't been easy. Andersen said it took years to find the right pig and the right pig food before he was finally satisfied. His farm now sells the pork to high-end restaurants like Eleven Madison Park and Union Square Cafe. Andersen said he believes he will finally start operating in the black by the end of this year, after spending "over seven digits annually pretty easily.” 不过养这种猪可不简单,安德森坦言他花了好几年找到正确的猪种和正确的饲料。他的养猪场现在专门给美国的高端餐厅供货。安德森坚信2015年底就能扭亏为盈(化赤字为黑字)。不过在此之前, 他坦言每年花掉七位数美金在前期投资上太小菜一碟了。 Raising a Mangalitsa pig can cost three times as much as a regular pig. It takes 15 months to raise one to market weight, compared to five months for conventional pigs. The feed is more expensive—"more like what they have in nature, which is 8 ½ percent protein as opposed to 16 percent protein"—and Andersen insists his pigs be processed by hand. 这种猪长得很慢,需要三倍于一般猪的成长期才能长大到可以卖的重量,也就是一年零三个月。一般的猪只要五个月。饲料也更贵-“饲料要完全符合这种猪的自然饮食,也就是要含8.5%的蛋白质,而不是一般猪的含16%蛋白质的饲料。” Andersen has secured a place to dry and cure his product in New Jersey, and he's working with the USDA to label that product for market. His website sells product direct to consumers, including bacon, bratwurst, tenderloin and ground pork. 安德森在新泽西搞下一个车间风干和加工猪肉。他正在和美国农业部商量着给这种猪肉注册品牌。他的网站( http://mangalitsa.com/ )直接卖猪肉给消费者,你可以找到这种猪肉做的培根,德式香肠,里脊肉和绞肉。 "The goal is to get people to understand how absolutely, pardon the expression, screwed up our food chain is," he said. "I can sell you a Mangalitsa collar steak and get you a piece that's 5 to 6 ounces and you'll eat that, and you'll be full like you would if you had an 18-ounce beef steak.” “我的目标是让大家意识到,请别介意我的粗话,我们的食物链有多扯淡,”他说,“我可以卖你一份我这种猪做的的猪扒,大概5到6盎司一份(一百五十克左右)。这个你就能吃饱,像吃了一份18盎司(500克)的牛排一样饱。” Andersen said another goal is to network his contacts from Wall Street to scale up the operation to the next level. "If I can get this under your nose and into your mouth," he said, "you're hooked.” 安德森的下一步计划是利用以前在华尔街的老交情拓展自己的业务。“但凡你闻一下,尝一口我的猪扒,”他自信满满地说,“你就神魂颠倒了。”