

2015-12-01    07'55''

主播: 英语环球

351 37

Last instalment, we talked about the importance of a “wow” script, let me also share with you the boomerang method, whereby you open and close on the same point. It can be anything, a word, a quote, for example “today’s smog reminds all attendees of the Paris climate conference...” at the start, then “we hope the heavy smog warning like today will be a rare occurrence in the future.” 电视行业大家把观众看成傻子,注意力极为分散的,有个说法就是每9秒钟就得变化,无论是换画面,还是切双窗,还是有个隔断,在手机控泛滥的今天,你的演讲一定要变化多端才能保持观众在听你,不是手机购物。 Another thing, is attention span. In TV the assumption is that the audience has the attention span of an ant, so something needs to change every nine seconds, whether it’s new pictures, or a different angle shot, or a break. In today’s world of phone addiction, your speech must have plenty of variation--to make sure they’re not on Taobao. 介绍两个工具:手卡,时间表。完全脱稿,有时候不现实,那些什么xx部xx司xxxx办公室xxx主任,谁记得住啊?低头读稿子--如果你认为也可以接受,那请你默默地关闭这篇文章。 手卡有你大概的内容,但是你也不需要完全依赖它。时间表--让你更好的控制时间,每个环节的时间都应该是掌握之中的。 Two tools: cue cards and timetable sheets. Going totally off-script isn’t realistic, especially with complicated names and titles. As for reading scripts...if you think that’s an option, do me a favour and close this page. The cue card has all the rough points you need to hit, but you still have freedom to play around with it impromptu. The timetable sheet lets you know exactly where you are in the schedule. 3件干货--不要问我为什么是三,反正就是一个合适的数,很多讲坛菜鸟都太贪心,什么都塞在演讲里,一个小时100页的PPT,让人昏睡过去。你就把你的内容精华压缩到3件事,人的脑子可以接受,事后还能想起你说的内容。 Three nuggets -- don’t ask me why three, it’s just an appropriate number. Many podium rookies are too greedy, they want to cram everything in, an hour long speech with a 100-page powerpoint presentation, that is a crime against humanity. Keeping your takeaways to three means people will actually remember it. 准备充分才能打胜仗。演讲业界的平均是,30对 1--演讲10分钟,要准备300分钟。演练你的讲稿的时候,建议你找各种姿势和地点--我个人喜欢跑步机上大声练稿,或者半夜醒来的时候脑子里过一遍,有的人喜欢在马桶上练呢。而且如果没有会说实话的朋友给你反馈,自己自拍录制一段,有时候你心目中的自己和实际还是有差距的哦! Preparation is your best friend. The public speaking average is the 30-1 rule, for every ten minutes you speak, prepare for 300 minutes. When rehearsing your script, mix up where and how you rehearse -- personally I love going through my script on the treadmill, or in the middle of the night, some people rehearse on the toilet. If you don’t have an honest friend to give you feedback, try recording yourself, because how you think you look could be rather different from reality! 好了,该讲怎么用你的声音来打造一件举世无双的演讲神器了。运动员上场前的热身,你的发音系统也要做。放松,深呼吸,用手把你的嘴撑开,舌头伸缩转圈。用嘴巴做成小笼包,再张成面包圈,重复。哼哼调,用丹田发音。念一段话,假装有一个摁钮,自己调节音量,语速,语调,感情。 Time to turn your voice into a secret weapon. Like athletes’ warm-ups, we do them with our voices. Relax your muscles and breathe deeply ten times. Stretch our your mouth, stick out your tongue. Make your mouth as small as a soup dumpling, then as big as a donut, repeat. Hum scales, projecting from your abdomen. Read a short paragraph several times, pretending you are turning the dial on volume, speed, pitch, emotion. 再来一段绕口令。 Let’s do a tongue twister challenge. Betty Botter bought some butter. “But,” she said, “this butter’s bitter and if I put this butter in my batter it will make my batter bitter.” So Betty Botter bought some better butter and put the better butter in her batter so her batter wasn’t bitter. “That’s better,” said Betty. 该上场啦! 你的观众会在30秒钟之内对你进行判断,所以一定要以最饱满的状态开讲。踩点,穿让自己自信而舒服的衣服,提前到场地,熟悉设备,都能够减少演讲前你的紧张程度。 5分钟之前,应该喝杯水,调动你的积极思维。每个人都有自己的放松方式。有的人散步,有的人洗脸,有的人喝酒,最好是跟你的观众打打招呼,聊一聊。 Your audience will judge you within 30 seconds of you speaking, so be sure to start on a sure footing. Scope the place out, wear outfits that make you feel confident but also comfortable, arriving early, familiarizing with the technicals, these things can all reduce your pre-speech anxiety. 5 minutes to go, is when you overload on positive thinking, as for relaxing, it can be walking, water, or even wine. Try meeting and greeting your audience, it’ll connect you with them and could even inspire your speech. 这一期讲到这里,上台了怎么办?如果摔了一跤?忘词了?说错了?观众问很难的问题你答不出来? 下一期告诉你!