

2015-12-04    05'13''

主播: 英语环球

872 42

超级周四!今天晚上Leia搬着沙发等欧洲央行利率决策,8:38北京时间差点从沙发上掉了下来! 金融时报发了个Tweet, 说欧洲央行居然保持利率不变--啊,说好的宽松呢!通缩低迷都这样了,还不动! 全球市场剧震!欧元暴涨,美元指数暴跌,随后。。。 欧洲央行宣布降息10个基点--搞什么鬼!误报!丢脸! At around 7:38 a.m. ET, everyone following financial markets had a heart attack. It began when the Financial Times tweeted: "ECB leaves rates unchanged in shock decision " It wasn't just an erroneous tweet either. The FT published a story nine minutes before the release reporting, "The European Central Bank has left interest rates unchanged, dashing expectations of a cut to its deposit rate." The FT later tweeted : "Correction: please ignore earlier tweet headlined 'ECB leaves rates unchanged in shock decision.' 有图有真相 Here's a screengrab of the story that was published: (无法显示图片,我们会在微信公众号:英语环球 中贴出) 那么到底欧洲央行的决定怎么样呢?降到负0.3%, 现在欧洲的银行如果要存钱在央行,得付给央行更多利息。因为减息幅度低于预期--市场反应...周四晚上欧股跌幅加大,欧元上涨。 Now that things have calmed down, it appears that the markets are underwhelmed by these stimulus measures. The central bank cut its deposit rate further into negative territory by 10 basis points to a fresh low of -0.3 percent, down from -0.2 percent, to fend off sluggish inflation and lackluster growth. The cut means banks in effect must pay more for the ECB to hold their money. 欧洲央行还宣布将扩大量化宽松(QE)计划--将购债计划实施期延长至少6个月至2017年3月,将扩大QE计划下资产购买的范围,将购买地区、地方政府的债务。 The bank announced an expansion of its bond buying program to March 2017. The ECB is also extending the range of assets eligible for purchase to include debt issued by local and regional governments. 再来看其他的乌龙事件,今年6月德意志銀行(Deutsche Bank)的菜鸟交易員處理數據出錯,誤向美國一對沖基金客戶支付60億美元。 第二天已经把钱向客戶追回来了;出錯的原因是總值誤當成淨值計算,導致交易多了『好幾個零』。而他的主管當時在休假。 Deutsche Bank’s foreign-exchange unit mistakenly sent $6 billion to a U.S. hedge fund client in a fat-finger error in June, recovering the money a day later. A junior member of the bank’s foreign-exchange sales team processed a trade using a gross figure, rather than a net figure, prompting a payment that was magnitudes too high. The employee’s boss was on vacation at the time. 再早些,别忘了2008年彭博社提早公布了乔布斯的讣闻...比他真正去世的日子早了3年。 The Bloomberg financial newswire decided to update its 17-page Steve Jobs obituary in 2008 -- and inadvertently published it in the process. News organizations routinely prepare obituaries in advance, even for the healthy.