

2018-01-21    08'03''

主播: あ&ア

32 0

感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论留言哦~ Let’s hug, and then forget about each other 抱一抱 就当作从没有在一起 Good or bad, excuses no longer matter 好不好 要解释都已经来不及 Whatever. What I did I don't remember 算了吧 我付出过甚么没关系 Myself I don’t care, ever since you appeared 我忽略自己 就因为遇见你 My heart was sore, I wonder why 没办法 好可怕 I gave you all, drowned in night 那个我 不象话 I risked my whole life, out of my mind 一直奋不顾身 是我太傻 If it's not love, please don't lie 说不上爱别说谎 Admit it's just like 就一点喜欢 If it's not hate, don't ask why 说不上恨别纠缠 Don't fake a sigh 别装作感叹 I kept being so humble 就当作我太麻烦 That brought me much trouble 不停让自己受伤 I have already known 我告诉我自己 Our love was a bubble 感情就是这样 Why was I still out of control 怎么一不小心太疯狂 Let’s hug,  and realize our love nourishes growth 抱一抱 再好好觉悟不能长久 Good or bad, no matter what we just let go 好不好 有亏欠我们都别再追究 Whatever.  What I’ve done is never enough though 算了吧 我付出再多都不足够我 Having been rescued,  I don't wanna wail woe 终于得救 我不想再献丑 It's okay to tear my heart 没办法 不好吗 We two both, turn around 大家都 不留下 No more than a house of cards 一直勉强相处 Someday we'll break down 总会累垮 If it's not love, please don't lie 说不上爱别说谎 Admit it's just like 就一点喜欢 If it's not hate, don't ask why 说不上恨别纠缠 Don't fake a sigh 别装作感叹 I kept being so humble 就当作我太麻烦 That brought me much trouble 不停让自己受伤 I have already known 我告诉我自己 Our love was a bubble 感情就是这样 Why was I still out of control 怎么一不小心太疯狂 Don't regret, even if you miss. 别后悔 就算错过 Later on, you can't help thinking of me 在以后 你少不免想起我 That's fair enough 还算不错 Will you be upset when I'm not here 当我不在你会不会难过 Can you be as carefree as me 你够不够我这样洒脱 If it's not love, please don't lie 说不上爱别说谎 Admit it's just like 就一点喜欢 If it's not hate, don't ask why 说不上恨别纠缠 Don't fake a sigh 别装作感叹 I tried to let it go 将一切都体谅 I tried to forgive all 将一切都原谅 I tried hard to know more 我尝试找答案 Yet the answer was simple 而答案很简单 Even regrettable 简单得很遗憾 Because of growth 因为成长 We have to look into each other' s soul 我们逼不得已要习惯 Because of growth 因为成长 All at once we choose to just go 我们忽尔间说散就散