一杯敬自由 一杯敬死亡

宽恕我的平凡 驱散了迷惘

一杯敬自由 一杯敬死亡 宽恕我的平凡 驱散了迷惘

2018-01-21    05'23''

主播: あ&ア

63 1

感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论留言哦~ On the stage you sing and dance 当你走进这欢乐场 Bearing your dream, seeking for chance 背上所有的梦与想 Makeups blur people’s appearance 各色的脸上各色的妆 Nobody cares about your romance 没人记得你的模样 A bit buzzed in the corner 三巡酒过你在角落 You are still humming the bitter 固执的唱着苦涩的歌 As it submerges in clamour 听他在喧嚣里被淹没 You drown sorrows in wine and murmur 你拿起酒杯对自己说 One cup for the sun, another for the moon 一杯敬朝阳 一杯敬月光 They’ve soothed my soul as time passes through 唤醒我的向往 温柔了寒窗 Thus I can go against the tide and be cool 于是可以不回头地逆风飞翔 Despite the fact that I’m feeling so blue 不怕心头有雨 眼底有霜 One cup for my home, another for the far 一杯敬故乡 一杯敬远方 They’ve made me a better man  with a strong heart 守着我的善良 催着我成长 Since then my arduous journey seems not so hard 所以南北的路从此不再漫长 My soul is no longer far apart 灵魂不再无处安放   One cup for my past, another for future 一杯敬明天 一杯敬过往 They’ve laid so much burden on my shoulder 支撑我的身体 厚重了肩膀 As nothing can be always and forever 虽然从不相信所谓山高水长 Why can’t we just let it go, I wonder 人生苦短何必念念不忘 One cup for freedom, another for death 一杯敬自由 一杯敬死亡 They’ve told me who I am and where my feet are set 宽恕我的平凡 驱散了迷惘 After waking up, I’m left alone out of breath 好吧天亮之后总是潦草离场 Staying sober really hurts 清醒的人最荒唐 After waking up, I’m left alone out of breath 好吧天亮之后总是潦草离场 Staying sober really hurts 清醒的人最荒唐