

2020-11-15    02'08''

主播: 丹尼老师

111 0

Seeing Off Office Manager Cheng of the Guard Command on His Return Home This humble fellow is getting into his dotage[1], being sickly, my muddle-headedness increases. Of those I often have contact with I remember one, but don’t recognize ten. I met Master Cheng only recently, when talking with him, outstanding talent shows. My ears and eyes are opened by his graciousness, I strongly feel that it gets through to my understanding. After a thousand years I have found my Bao Shu, I have achieved something by his willingness to befriend me. Purpose concentrated, an old cypress green, your sense of right stirs a long serpent hibernating[2]. If I could see this person often, it would console my weeping, hair hanging white. When you announced your departure so soon, a hundred cares again beset me. Within I am embarrassed that my chimney is not blackened, but you have brought fine delicacies to help out. On a white string you carry a long fish, sapphire ale is accompanied by jade grains of rice. At the end of my rope, I see how a real friend behaves, the age is blocked, I grieve at the hard ways. The east wind blows on the springtime ice, far and wide the holy soil is wet. When I think on you, be sparing with your wings, once having eaten your fill, think on folding them. Be not the eagle that soars through the clouds, when hearing a shout, speeds toward the bird. 单词释义 [1] dotage [ˈdəʊtɪdʒ] n. 年老体衰; 年老昏聩; [2] hibernate [ˈhaɪbəneɪt] v. 冬眠; 蛰伏;