

2021-04-26    03'18''

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E01 超级巨星的出生 2020.01.31 覃晔 难度:CSE3 课程导读 莱奥纳多·达·芬奇,于1452年出生于意大利,是文艺复兴时期的超级巨星。达·芬奇在很小的时候,就表现出了绘画的天赋。后来他到佛罗伦萨,师从一位著名艺术家。他不但精通绘画,而且还设计了许多建筑,创造了很多地图,并且设想了无数的器械。如此优秀的超级巨星究竟出身如何呢?让我们一起来听今天的课程。 英文原文 A Superstar Is Born ① Every now and then, a superstar comes along and the world takes notice. By definition, superstars stand out. This is certainly true of Leonardo da Vinci. He was born in Vinci, Italy, in 1452. Had his mother not been a peasant, things might have turned out differently for da Vinci. He most likely would have attended the university in Florence and studied to be a notary like his well-to-do father. Instead of painting and inventing ways to solve problems, his days would have been busy filling out legal documents. ② But his parents never married. So the guild of the magistrates and notaries would not accept da Vinci as an apprentice. Instead, his father had to look for another profession for him. As a young child, da Vinci showed a talent for drawing. So his father sent him to Florence to become an apprentice to the famous artist, Andrea del Verrocchio. And that is where the road to superstardom began for da Vinci. ③ Da Vinci was continually striving to improve and perfect his work and the world around him. Along the path to becoming a superstar, da Vinci came into contact with many different types of people. They played important roles in his life as he developed not only as an artist but also as a scientist and inventor. 生词好句 1.every now and then 时不时;每隔一段时间(at times) 拓展: 词义辨析: at times 通常用在句子最末尾 every now and then 通常放在句首 I like her even though she can be annoying at times. Every now and then she gets annoying, but I like her all the same. 尽管她有时候很烦人,但我还是喜欢她。 2.come along 出现 拓展: 词义辨析: appear 表示 无中生有,突然出现 come along 表示 一起来,不期而遇 There’s a party tonight and you’re very welcome to come along. 今晚有个 party,欢迎你一起来。 I waited a long time until you came along. 终于等到你,幸好没放弃。 3.take notice 开始关注 拓展: 词义辨析: take notice 表示 注意到,被……引起关注 pay attention 更强调 专注、聚焦 The whole industry takes notice. 整个行业都注意到了。 You should pay attention when I’m talking to you. 我在和你说话的时候,你应该注意听的。 4.stand out 出列;出位;出圈儿 拓展: He really stands out. 他真的很出众。 Her talents stand out. 她的才华很突出。 His height makes him stand out in the crowd. 他的身高,让他鹤立鸡群。 outstanding /ˌaʊtˈstændɪŋ/ adj. 优秀的 Outstanding people always stand out. 优秀的人,总是容易出圈儿。 5.be true of sb. 对……而言是正确的 拓展: This is certainly true of myself. 这说的就是我。 This is certainly true of him. 这说的就是他。 6.be born in 出生于 7.peasant 英 [ˈpezənt] n. 农民 8.turn out 以某种方式发生 拓展: I was positive that things were going to turn out fine. 我当时就确信,事情最终会好起来的。 9.notary 英 [ˈnəʊtəri] 美 [ˈnoʊtəri] n. 公证人;公证员 10.well-to-do 有钱的;富裕的(rich) 拓展: the well-to-do families 有钱人家 11.be busy doing sth. 忙于做某事 拓展: I’m busy getting some sleep, don’t talk to me, OK? 我在忙着睡觉呢,没事儿别来烦我,好吗? 12.guild 英 [ɡɪld] n. 协会;行会;同业公会 拓展: the Women’s Guild 妇女协会 How do you start a guild in game? 游戏里怎么建立一个公会呢? 13.magistrate 英 [ˈmædʒəstreɪt] 美 [ˈmædʒəstrət] n. 法官 14.accept sb. as... 接受某人成为…… 拓展: This university does not accept him as a student. 这所大学,不接受他为正式学生。 She cannot accept him as her boyfriend. 她不能接受他为自己的男朋友。 15.apprentice 英 [əˈprentɪs] n. 学徒(student) 16.show a talent for sth. 表现出某方面的天分 拓展: As a young child, JK Rowling showed a talent for writing. JK Rowling 从小就表现出来了写作的天分。 Michael Jackson showed a talent for dancing when he was young. 迈克尔杰克逊从小就表现出来了跳舞的天分。 17.superstardom 英 [ˈsuːpəˌstɑː(r)dəm] n. 超级明星;超级巨星 18.continually 英 [kənˈtɪnjuəli] adv. 持续地;一直发生着地 19.strive to do sth. 努力去做某事;努力做好某事 拓展: I would not say that I do best, but I will strive to do better. 我不敢说我做的最好,但我会努力做的更好。 Strive to do every single thing. 努力做好每件事。 20.improve 英 [ɪmˈpruːv] v. 进步;提升 拓展: We read, because we want to improve our English. 我们阅读,就是为了能够提升英语。 21.perfect 英 [pəˈfekt] v. 使……完美;使某个技能变得熟练 拓展: perfect /ˈpɜːfekt/ adj. 完美的 This is just perfect. 太棒了!完美! 22.come into contact with 触及;遇到 拓展: Along the path to becoming a teacher, I came into contact with many great teachers. 在成为一名教师的道路上,我遇到了太多的好老师。 23.play roles 扮演角色;发挥作用 拓展: My mother plays an important role in who I am today. 我的妈妈,对于我今天的成就,有着重要作用。 My father plays an important role in my career development. 我的爸爸,对于我的职业发展,有着很重要的作用。 24.develop as 发展成为了……;长成了…… 拓展: He developed as a lawyer. 他成为了一名律师。 Da Vinci did not develop as a notary. 达芬奇没有成为一位公证人。
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