Podcast NO.5  To Paul, In Our Loving Memory

Podcast NO.5 To Paul, In Our Loving Memory

2015-04-20    03'38''

主播: 泰格教育

87 13

The latest Fast n Furious movie is an out-n-out tear-jerker, 这部最新的速7十足戳中我们的泪点。保罗沃克,一个在好莱坞从未大红大紫却鲜有绯闻的好男人,早早的殒命辞世。荧屏上一幕幕令无数fans潸然。 然而生者仍需坚强。今天我们就以一种独特而积极的态度来缅怀Paul, 将速度与激情进行到底。 这里Jessie老师要格外说一句的是:喜欢car race的小盆友们,一定要buckle up and drive safe.毕竟life is already too short. Even if you want to carpe diem, caution is still the best policy. R.I.P. Paul