Adam Rex:是作家、插画师,他还是一个三年级小孩的私人“家教”

Adam Rex:是作家、插画师,他还是一个三年级小孩的私人“家教”

2021-02-04    35'29''

主播: 三明治童书研究所

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本期“全球童书作者采访计划”连线的是美国绘本作家、插画师——Adam Rex。他的绘本《FRANKENSTEIN MAKES A SANDWICH》是纽约时报畅销书。他的第一本小说《​THE TRUE MEANING OF SMEKDAY》2007年出版​,并于2014年被梦工厂改编成电影《Home》。​他为很多著名绘本作家配过插画,比如Mac Barnett, Neil Gaiman, Jeff Kinney等。​ 2021年他出版了三本绘本:《The Next President: The Unexpected Beginnings and Unwritten Future of America》,《Unstoppable》,《On Account of the Gum》。本次访谈我们从他的新书聊起,探讨了他在创作中的思考和坚持、遇到的困难、挑战和机遇,以及作为父亲这个角色在育儿上的思考。 Adam Rex is an American illustrator and writer of children&`&s books. His picture book FRANKENSTEIN MAKES A SANDWICH, was a New York Times Bestseller. 2007 saw the release of his first novel, THE TRUE MEANING OF SMEKDAY, which was adapted into the DreamWorks film HOME in 2014. He has illustrated the work of many authors, including Mac Barnett, Neil Gaiman, Jeff Kinney, etc. In 2020, Adam had 3 picture books out: 1. The Next President: The Unexpected Beginnings and Unwritten Future of America 2. Unstoppable 3. On Account of the Gum Adam&`&s Website: Where to find us: