Nov. 05, 2015 #The World Says# what affects our health in modern society

Nov. 05, 2015 #The World Says# what affects our health in modern society

2015-11-05    21'08''

主播: VOE~感谢沈农idea精英汇

294 23

节目组:The World Says 世界说 节目名称:what affects our health in modern society V: Good evening everyone, I'm value. E: hi, dear audience, this is Elvis. G: hello, it's Georgia here. V: You know what, a study shows that our daily life is surrounded with so many electronics now. As a result, it becomes a fact that affects our health. E: yep, I really agree with that. Although I think electronics are very important to me. G: So can you guys list some facts why they do harm to our health? V: Of course, for example, trouble sleeping isn't helped by a smart phone buzzing through the night because you forgot to set it to silent and that is only the tip of the iceberg. Even if you seem to get enough sleep during the night, using bright electronics like phones, tablets, and e-readers right before bed can really mess with your body. E:对了,哈佛医学院做了一项研究,让人们连续五天在睡前阅读一本真正的书,接着换成连续5天睡前使用iPad。在iPad上阅读后人们更难以入睡。一旦他们真的睡着后,他们会经历更少的快速眼动睡眠期并因此在早晨更没精神。On a cellular level, participants who used an iPad before bed were found to have delayed the release of the sleep hormone melatonin by around 90 minutes. V: The specific kind of light given off by electronic devices confuses our internal clock by affecting the circadian pacemakers in our brains. According to PEW Research, 61 percent of Americans aged 18–29 reported keeping their cellphones next to the bed. 如果你确实在睡前需要什么学习工具,放下手机,选择像kindle之类的原始的东西吧,它不会发出光线。 G:Actually, I always do that in order not to miss updates, calls, or texts during the night. V: ha-ha~ that's you, George! E: I think it's very important for us to keep a good mood. Anger may also affect our health indeed. We must learn to suppress it. V: yes,you’re right.Being unwilling to engage in a constructive argument about something that's bothering you can wreak havoc on your health. Holding in anger increases stress, which in turn shortenslifespans. E: There is such a thing as healthy anger and it can be an effective coping mechanism. Anger is also an adaptive trait that can encourage risk-taking. On the other side, chronic anger expressed in explosive bursts is linked to high blood pressure, a weak immune system, strokes, cancer, heart disease, and digestive issues. 密歇根大学的一项研究发现抑制住怒气的夫妇比针对问题吵架的夫妇有更高的死亡率。 G: WOW, that's amazing. Learning to manage anger and conflict effectively is vital to our health, but many people don't understand how to deal with their anger. V: They repressing it and effectively punishing themselves for their feelings. Psychologists say that it is not uncommon for people to experience low self-esteem because they deal with anger ineffectively—which can in turn have disastrous consequences for relationships, work performance and mental health. E:Oh my god, what's that noise?! My ears are exploded! I just want to say another factor that affects our health is noise pollution. V:Obviously, a sudden loud noise could damage your hearing, 那么每天包围我们的持续不断的噪音呢?旋转的硬盘,过往的车辆,远处的警报器,回旋的风扇——在现代社会里几乎不可能逃离噪音污染。 Every year, around 30 million Americans are exposed to dangerous levels of noise aspart of their job. But even people who don't experience occupational noise hazards suffer from second hand noise pollution. G: Hearing loss can lead to communication issues, discrimination,poor performance at work and school, loneliness, and depression. E: Low-frequency sounds can have a direct effect on health. People living in areas with elevated noise levels have correspondingly high levels of stresshormones, and the WHO has warned that noise pollution is a risk factor in developing heart disease. V: Studies have also shown that high levels of noise can badly impact young children,having a significant negative effect on cognitive performance. 噪音污染也能引起高血压、失眠、呼吸困难、心血管问题、提高心率、甚至引起大脑变化。 E:还有人因为工作压力大引起身体不适,其实适度工作是很重要的,并且健康的选择中包含了工作与休息的平衡。 E:Hello my dear audience, welcome back to the world says from the VOE foreign language station. I'm Elvis, here is my partner, Georgia and Value. G: Good evening everyone. I'm Georgia V: Hi, honey, I'm Value. E: You know, George, I want to say that you are always having roses in your cheeks. Congratulations. G: Oh! Thanks! You are sweet. E: Well, pleasure~ V: Wow, It's always so tired to be your partner.(无力的) E: Why? Everybody knows that I am a gentleman. V: Come on, you'd better look into the mirror. E: Oh, that's really a bad evaluation. Oh, Value, you ... you just hurt me. You are so... Oh, George help me please. V: Oh! I am so sorry for that.(夸张的) E: Well, take it easy. Okay...the routine game stop here, let’s come back to our topic. G: 你总算想起来了...(幽幽的语气) E: Well, George, know, today is a good day.(底气不足的) G:Okay...Everything in moderation, as the old adage goes.As it turns out, that couldn't be more accurate, aresearch continues to shed light on how the modern world is damaging our health E:老话说得好,凡事都有个度。事实证明,这句话十分准确,研究正持续揭露出现代社会是如何伤害我们的健康的.We might be living longer today than our ancestors did, but the currentera isn't as health-friendly as we might think. V: So...What's hell that damaged our health?(气愤的) E: Attention to your words! G: Oh, Elvis! You know, Value, Feeling Guilty Can Damage Your Health E: Just as you hurt me then you will be guilty, and your health will be damaged. G: Sounds like that~Well... Every January, people around the world resolve to leave their bad habits behind and embarkon a journey of self-improvement as the new year begins. Then, a few weeks later, everyone starts to feel a little guilty for not following through. E: Yep, 每年1月,全世界的人们都决心丢下他们的坏习惯并且在新年伊始时开始一场自我提升的旅程。接着,几周以后,每个人都会为没能做到而开始感到些许愧疚。 G:But while a little guilt can encourage someone to make positive changes, too much guilt is a different story. E: Can you talk more about that? G:Feeling guilty isn't just unpleasant—it could be causing damage to your immune system. Researchers from Hull University found that people who felt guilty about their favorite activities had decreased levels of the antibody in their saliva. E: Wow! I get it.真没想到身体健康和愧疚感还有关联,所以...还有什么是我们需要注意的么? G: Of course! There are lots of things that we should pay attention to, such as sleeping. E: Sleeping? G: Yes. Do you know that lacking of sleeping will damage your health? E: What? I think everyone will be anxious about their health when they hear about this. G:Right.Infact, men with chronic insomnia who sleep less than six hours per night are substantially more likely to die young than normal sleepers. In one study,51.1 percent of male insomniacs were dead within 14 years, as opposed to just 9.1 percent of regular sleepers. E:也就是说有51.1%的男性失眠症患者在14年内死亡,与此相对照的是只有9.1%拥有正常睡眠的人死亡。Wow, that’s really a horrific state. G: So... you wanna stay up ever more? E: Come on. I just want to live longer. G:what are you doing value? V: I'm watching a documentary of the life of a koala. G: a koala? Wow, it's so cute! I wish someday I can go to Australia and see koalas by myself. V: yep, there are so many unique animals in Australia, such as koala, kangaroo and platypus. G: oh, platypus! they are really a kind of magical animal, It has webbed feet and a large, rubbery snout; these features appear closer to those of a duck than to those of any known mammal. V: yes, so interesting right? Australia just like the variety of animals in the country, freely and Multivariate. E: wow, sounds like Australia is a good place to visit? G: of course, Australia is a land of exceptional beauty, many of its world-renowned attractions are specific, such as the great barrier reef, ayers rock, kakadu national park, and Sydney opera house. V: but if I want to visit Australia during my vacation, should I be careful of some Cultural differences? G: oh it doesn't matter. The culture of Australia is essentially a western culture influenced by the unique geography of the Australian continent. So Australia is a Immigrant country of multiple cultures. V: oh by the way, you gay must go to Australia on your winter vocation. By then, is the summer in Australia, the most charming season in the country. E: 说了这么多,Georgia,value,你们可以详细的为我们介绍澳洲的旅游业,tourism吗? G:Tourism is an important industry for the Australian economy. In the financial year 2010/11, the tourism industry represented 2.5% of Australia's GDP at a value of approximately A $35 billion to the national economy. V:For the year ending April 2015, there was 7.1 million visitor arrivals. Wow it’s a big Digital, isn't it? Then let us introduce you some famous visitors attractive. G: ok, first you can't miss The Great Barrier Reef . The Great Barrier Reef attracts up to two million visitors every year. Careful management, which includes permits for camping and all commercial marine tourism within the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, has so far ensured that tourists have a very minimal impact on the reef. V: Uluru, Kakadu National Park and Fraser Island are major natural attractions. Another Destination is Hervey Bay . it is a popular tourist town with ample opportunities for whale watching, although there are plenty of other places along the Australian coastline to see whales. G: then you must appreciate some big cities like Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne. Nearly half the people live in Sydney and Melbourne. V: do you guys know Sydney opera house? Shopping and casinos are a major drawcard for wealthy Chinese visitors. Wine, indigenous culture and nature tourism also generate travel in Australia. G: yes, value you get the point. While Chinese go visiting mainly focus on shopping, we actually need a place to relax our tired heart. E:没错,旅游的确是为了放松自己,不过话说回来,Australia is rich in minerals and developed agriculture. You guys do want to say something about that? G:in pastoral, you can see crowds of sheep and cows everywhere. As a result, Australia is called the country riding on the sheep's back. V: animal husbandry productions and its expot play a dominate role in GDP. And Australia is the world's largest exporter of beef and wool. G: Not only that, lanolin,which has a good effect on skin moisture, cashmere ouilt, which is very soft, warm in winter and cool in summer, all of those products are extremely popular around the world. V: well, thanks for Georgia and Elvis, this is all the programs for today. G:感谢制作武晓鹏。See you next week,good bye. E:bye. 节目监制:吴渝 播音:王柳 王嵩云 周宸聿 编辑:王柳 王嵩云 周宸聿 制作:武晓鹏