Sept. 25, 2017 #Music Bang Bang# 那段缘,那些歌,那年情

Sept. 25, 2017 #Music Bang Bang# 那段缘,那些歌,那年情

2017-09-25    13'56''

主播: VOE~感谢沈农idea精英汇

56 0

节目组: Music Bang Bang 音乐大爆炸 节目名称: 那段缘,那些歌,那年情 开头曲 The Scientist A:Hello everyone,This is Music Bang Bang from VOE foreign languages radio.I'm Armstrong. C:Hello everybody,I'm Christine.欢迎大家收听本期的专题节目:《那段缘,那些歌,那年情》。 C:In March 2014, She announced that they had separated after eleven years of marriage, describing the process as "conscious uncoupling". A:They had been recognized as the best couple in the world. She was so in love with him and he was crazy about her.But now,It's gone forever.She is Gwyneth Paltrow,the 'pepper' in the film,and he is Chris Martin,the lead singer of Coldplay. 插曲1 Yellow C:Dating back to 2002,when they first came across each other,Martin was singing in a live house as an unfamous singer, and Gwyneth was siting in the auditorium listening quietly,however,she had been an Academy best actress. A:Yeah, Martin was just a rash and tactless boy without any experience of love.On the contrary, Gwyneth was engaged to Brad Pitt and was in relationship with Ben Affleck. C:A few months ago ,Gwyneth's father passed away at the age of 58 and her mental world suddenly collapse.She had been crying all day and night. A:At the hardest nights, Martine had been supporting and protecting her.He said:What can I do for you?I'll do everything if you could feel better.And he wrote a moving song for her. C:The girl with glory romantic history finally chose the silly boy with the brightest eyes who is 5 years younger than her.于是青涩的马丁写下了这首《yellow》表达了初恋时那种最简单纯粹的羞涩与美好。这首歌听起来就像害羞的不敢去跟自己心爱的女孩攀谈的内向小伙子的心声,饱含深情且自我陶醉着。 A:Just like the lyrics says:Look at the stars,Look how they shine for you,And everything you do,Yeah, they were all Yellow. 插曲 2 something just like this A:生活日趋平静下来,就像童话故事的结尾那样:王子和公主过上了平淡幸福的生活。蜘蛛侠中,Tony Stark问助手Happy:你带我的戒指了吗?Happy说:从2008年就一直带着了。2008年第一部钢铁侠,他是她的superhero,而她是他的贤内助小辣椒,来自大佬的浪漫感动了无数观众。而在现实生活中,马丁就是小辣椒的superhero。 C:Yeah,Martin and Gwyneth Paltrow married in 2003,in a quiet ceremony in the absence of their friends and family. Their daughter Apple Martin, was born in 2004.Coldplay's song "Speed of Sound" was inspired by Martin's experience and awe at becoming a father. Their second child, Moses Martin' name was inspired by a song, "Moses", that Martin wrote for Paltrow. A:Just like this song ,It talks about how a person can simply be him and be loved. No hero status, no higher state. Love is not the search of benefits, but the choice of accepting a person for who he or she is, the choice of loving continuously despite the flaws and the storms. C:Some superhero, Some fairytale bliss, Just something I can turn to, Somebody I can kiss, I want something just like this. 插曲3 Everglow A:This is their former days,everything seemed so good,they vowed to love each other forever.However,their relationship finally came to an end.They still love each other,but they were not the blessed couple anymore. C:This song is Coldplay 's ,feated by Gwyneth after their breaking up.Martin's tearful voice moved all of us.There is always a person with everglow in our lives.They brought a patch of sunlight at your hardest nights.But for some reasons, we finally had to take each other as a passer-by. All we can do is saying:'I'm gonna miss you' in my mind. A:They say people come, say people go. This particular diamond was extra special .The light that you give me will everglow.人言聚有时,散有期,而回忆却会永恒闪耀在漫漫星辰里。 C:有些回忆舍不得,放不下,有些感情注定走散,有些所谓的坚持最终全被放逐在时光里。不是不爱,是爱不下去了。能相逢想必是因为有缘,未能如愿定是缘分太浅。于是有些人,只能安放在记忆里。 A:酷玩的音乐,是马丁的成长史,从青涩到沉淀。《Yellow》是热恋中的那颗徐徐划过天际,冲进海洋的流星。《TheScientist》是那滴纵我在你面前,却无力挽回的黑泪。而《Everglow》是那束照亮玻璃破碎的花纹,也留不下的光。 C:欧洲巡演,马丁在德国演唱会上,一位粉丝在台下举了一个大牌子“Can I play Everglow for you?”前奏响起,全场沸腾,物是人非,很多人从听前奏就开始流泪,随后,标志性的马丁节奏颠开始了…… A:欢迎大家订阅我们的微信公众号时代之声radio,网易云音乐music bang bang电台以及荔枝fm,更多精彩内容等着你的发现,voe等着你的加入。感谢制作李金声。See you! 结束曲 Everglow 节目监制:韩平治 编辑:温彦博 播音:温彦博 郭思婷 制作:李金声