

2018-01-15    00'39''


4 0

- What’s the feeling of getting freckle tattoos? I mean, does it hurt? - It doesn’t exactly hurt. I guess it just is really unpleasant, someone poking your face with a needle. It’s not the best feeling, but I wouldn’t call it pain. - Do you like them, your new freckles? - I really like my new freckles. I get really freckly in the summer. I really like that time of year, but I’m trying not to get skin cancer, have wrinkles, so I thought this would be a good way to have them year-round.   - 纹雀斑是种什么感觉?疼不疼? - 一点儿都不疼,我只是觉得很不舒服,毕竟别人用一根针在你脸上戳。感觉不太好,但也不疼。 - 你喜欢你的新雀斑吗? - 我真的很喜欢我的新雀斑。一到夏天我的脸上就会长雀斑,我很喜欢那段时间,但是我不想得皮肤癌,也不想长皱纹,所以我想这是一个让我一整年都有雀斑的好方法。