歌手Jessie J 的可爱之处 20180116

歌手Jessie J 的可爱之处 20180116

2018-01-16    00'51''


22 0

Can you do a fake American accent? So, I’m Jessie J, my album Sweet Talker is out today. You know, it’s my third album. My first single on it is Bang Bang with Arianna Grande and Nicki Minaj, and my second single is Burning Up. And I’m really excited to be here. So, thank you. (Joe, Joe.) What accent is that though? Where am I from? - That’s like, you’re a perfect diction accent. That wouldn’t be LA Valley Girl, 'cause that’d be … Oh my God, so basically my album is out. And like, it’s called Sweet Talker. OMG, there’re so many songs in there that I just want people to hear …. I can’t afford an Hermès, what shall I do? 你能模仿一下美国口音吗? 我是 Jessie J,今天发行了我的专辑 Sweet Talker。这是我第三张专辑,其中第一主打单曲是和 Arianna Grande 还有 Nicki Minaj 一起合作的 Bang Bang。我的第二波主打单曲是 Burning Up。我很兴奋能来到这里,谢谢邀请。 这是什么口音,听上去我是哪里人?——这个,你是非常标准的教学口音。不怎么像洛杉矶 Vally Girl,因为她们是这样的… 哦,天哪,我的专辑差不多发行了。然后,这个专辑叫做 Sweet Talker。哦,天哪,专辑里有很多歌曲我想和大家分享。我买不起爱马仕,我该怎么办呢?