

2018-02-06    00'37''


15 0

It’s just always been my dream ever since I was little. About a year ago, my dad was diagnosed with stage four colon cancer and they gave him a five percent chance to live and he still continued working and supporting our family. And, so tonight I’m here to sing for him. - When my dad is having rough days then I go up to his room and I sing him this song to help him feel better, and just to give him comfort and strength to continue fighting. 我从小的梦想就是唱歌。大约一年前,我爸爸被诊断患了第四期结肠癌,他有 5% 的存活率。但是他依然继续工作,养家糊口。所以今晚,我为我的爸爸唱歌。——当我的爸爸日子不好过的时候,我会去他的房间,给他唱这首歌,让他感觉好一点,给他一点安慰和力量,让他继续和病魔抗争。