

2018-02-06    00'35''


5 0

"Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains," a long handscroll painting done by Huang Gongwang, depicts landscape in the area around the Fuchun River where he was traveling and residing. From right to left, the scroll follows the riverbank as hills and mountains rise and fall repeatedly with lush and dense trees. The scenery is sometimes deep and remote and at other times clear and expansive.  《富春山居图》是一幅长卷轴画,为黄公望所作。该画描绘了他在旅居富春江期间当地的风景。从右到左,这幅卷轴画以富春江为中心,表现了两岸山丘的绵延起伏,以及山上茂密的树林。画中的景致时而凝重悠远,时而清爽开阔。