【2016圣诞特辑】卖火柴的小女孩 | 预告

【2016圣诞特辑】卖火柴的小女孩 | 预告

2016-12-22    02'31''

主播: 为你读英语美文电台

16673 940

关注微信公众号:为你读英语美文,查看更完整的图文,背景音乐信息 主播:严喆 地点:德国 The Little Match Girl By Hans Christian Andersen The weather was frosty and cold. It was growing dark, and a heavy snow had begun to fall. It was Christmas Eve. A little girl wandered in the darkening streets. She wore ragged clothes, and she carried a bundle of matches in her hand. All day, the Little Match Girl had been trying to sell her matches. “A penny for a match!” she had called in a small, pitiful voice to shoppers on the streets. But the people just glanced at her and then hurried on their way. Now it was almost night. The poor girl had not sold a single match. As she walked along, the Little Match Girl grew very cold. She wore only an old, thin pair of slippers. She had no socks, for she could not afford them. Suddenly, a voice bellowed, “Out of my way!” At that moment, she heard the thundering sound of horses’ hooves. She scurried across the street, barely managing to get out of the way of a large carriage pulled by two enormous horses. When she stopped to catch her breath, the Little Match Girl looked down at her feet. In fleeing the carriage and horses, she had lost her slippers. Now the Little Match Girl had no shoes at all. 卖火柴的小女孩 作者:汉斯·克里斯汀·安徒生 天冷极了,下着雪,又快黑了。这是一年的最后一天——大年夜。在这又冷又黑的晚上,一个乖巧的小女孩,赤着脚在街上走着。她从家里出来的时候还穿着一双拖鞋,但是有什么用呢?那是一双很大的拖鞋——那么大,一向是她妈妈穿的。她穿过马路的时候,两辆马车飞快地冲过来,吓得她把鞋都跑掉了。一只怎么也找不着,另一只叫一个男孩捡起来拿着跑了。他说,将来他有了孩子可以拿它当摇篮。 小女孩只好赤着脚走,一双小脚冻得红一块青一块的。她的旧围裙里兜着许多火柴,手里还拿着一把。这一整天,谁也没买过她一根火柴,谁也没给过她一个硬币。 (中文选自人教版小学语文第十二册第四组课文,和英文版略有出入) -未完待续,敬请期待12月24日,来自德国的圣诞特辑- 垫乐 关注微信公众号:为你读英语美文,查看垫乐 往期推荐 麦琪的礼物 主播介绍 严喆:现在德国进修博士学位 主播:严喆 , 制作|编辑: 永清 图片源于网络 文字,音乐版权归作者或版权方所有 微信公众号:为你读英语美文 官方新浪微博:@为你读英语美文