

2016-09-28    35'18''

主播: 英语极客

152 15

描述一个人 Description of a person 五官(耳眉眼鼻口) 一、头发:(——ish)有点儿 描述一个人的头发,我们通常会从哪些角度下手? 颜色、长短、直卷、发型(刘海、辫子)、多少、干油 (颜色)blonde, fair hair金发,淡黄色头发, brown, light-brown浅棕色, red, black, black, jet-black 黑而发亮的,墨黑的, pitch-black漆黑的, gray, with some hair turning gray, hoary灰白的, ginger hair黄头发,黄毛; (长短)long, short, medium length, shoulder-length; with hair let down to the eyebrows/shoulders齐耳短发/头发齐肩, (直卷)Straight, curly, wavy波浪形的,卷曲的, with natural curls自然卷, waving/wavy, curling, (发型)coiled hair盘发(盘成圈的), braid one’s hair结辫子, let down one’s hair披着头发, wear/drawn one’s hair into a tight bun头发紧紧扎成一束(髻), hang loose绑得松松的, crew-cut平头, pigtail, ponytail马尾辫, parted in the middle中分, combed to one side梳到一遍, butch 平头, bobbed hair 波波头,短发, (pigtail, braid, plait )辫, bald秃顶的, (half)bun(半)丸子头 (多少)Thin, sparse 稀少的, thick, (干油)oily, dry, soft, 二、眉毛:eyebrows 浓密或浅淡,眉型 Thick, heavy, sparse稀少, thin, light-colored颜色浅的, darker than one’s hair, short, long, thick in the front part眉头很厚, sparse toward the end眉尾稀少, curved like willows柳叶眉, shaped like swords大刀眉, narrow, neatly-cut修理得很好, with two eyebrow coming close挤到一起去了, knit one’s eyebrows皱眉, arched/willowy brows柳叶眉, straight united eyebrows一字眉, slanted eyebrows八字眉, shapely brows眉型很好 三、眼睛:eye 颜色,大小,单双,眼镜,眼神眼光 green, gray, blue, dark, black, brown; big small, double-lid, single-lid wear glasses, near-sighted, bright, beady eye 明眸,眼尖, round, slanted eye 斜眼, deep-set 深陷的, protruding, fringed(流苏) with short/long eye-lashes短/长睫毛, a piercing eye 锐利的眼光,火眼晶晶,炯炯有神, sharp, with weather-beaten look 饱经风霜的眼神,like deep/profound sea 像大海一样深邃, charming, smiling, with tranquil look平静的眼神, kind eyes和蔼地看着 , eyes that indicate wisdom透着智慧的眼睛, crystal-clear eyes 水汪汪的眼睛 四、鼻子:nose 鼻型 Pointed尖鼻子,pointed upward鼻子尖尖向上翘起, hooked鹰钩鼻, long and narrow nose鼻梁又长又窄, brandy nose 酒糟鼻, with nostrils(鼻孔) upwards 朝天鼻,a snub nose 塌鼻子,a round nose圆鼻子,( well-chiseled, clear-cut, well-shape)(鼻子有型)挺,高挺的鼻梁 五、嘴巴:mouth 唇型、厚薄、颜色、性感 Cherry-shaped樱桃小嘴, well-shaped唇型很好, with thin/thick lips嘴唇薄/厚, ruddy lips嘴唇红润, dark-red lips深红色的嘴唇, sexy性感的嘴唇, 六、脸:cheeks (脸型)round face圆脸, chubby face胖乎乎的脸, heart-shaped心形脸, pear/apple-shaped梨形脸/苹果脸, oval face瓜子脸, long face 长脸, square face方脸、国字脸 (酒窝)with two dimples酒窝, 作业:发一张自己的自拍照,用英文描述一下自己的五官