

2019-01-24    00'44''

主播: 叶子哥🎥

167 1

2019-01-24麦克风 新年的古老传说 B 1. 模拟第一句: 很久很久以前在中国,有一个充满野心、积极进取、自信满满的皇帝,叫做秦始皇。他的名字意味着“第一个皇帝”。他有着天神下凡一般的战斗能力,充满远见的战略,以及杰出的领导能力。 A long long time ago in China, there was an ambitious aggressive assured emperor named Qin Shi Huang, whose name means the First Emperor. He had god-like combat skills, visionary strategies and really outstanding leadership.   2. 模拟第二句: 大多数时候,我都能保持镇定自若,但在极端情况下,当我心爱的人受到危险,我会不惜一切代价,尝试所有方式,即使牺牲我自己,去保护她们。 Most of the time I maintain my calm and composure, but in the extreme conditions when my loved ones are in danger, I would risk anything and try everything possible, even sacrificing myself (to protect them).   3. 模拟第三句: 娜娜害怕开始一段新恋情很多很多年了,直到小麦老师告诉她,获得真爱的三个步骤——投资自己,拓宽社交,交给时间。 Nana dreaded the new relationship for many many years until Michael taught her the three steps to get true love - invest in yourself, expand your social network, and time will tell.