20190125-Alipay (A)

20190125-Alipay (A)

2019-01-25    01'12''

主播: 叶子哥🎥

158 0

2019.01.25 EMF 什么是支付宝 Lesson A   核心报导   1. I was born in 2004 out of the world-renowned Alibaba Group. I am Alipay. I support two of the world's biggest e-commerce platforms——Taobao and Tmall. With me, the trust between buyers and sellers is strengthened in every transaction. 在2004年,支付宝诞生于著名的阿里巴巴集团,支付宝就是我。支付宝支持世界上最大的两个电子商务平台——淘宝和天猫。有了支付宝,买卖双方的信任在每一笔交易中都得到了加强。   2. Millions upon millions of dollars are transferred through me every day,empowering global e-commerce. As I grew, so did my meaning and purpose. I am no longer just a payment platform. I provide shopping, transportation, city services,medical services, credit services,wealth management and more. 每天都有数千万美元通过支付宝转账,使国际电子商务更加强大。随着支付宝的扩张,它的意义和目标也在延伸。支付宝不再只是一个支付平台。它提供购物、交通、城市服务、医疗服务、信贷服务、财富管理等。   3. I am a lifestyle platform for 520 million users. I accompany my users as they travel across the globe to over 68 countries and regions, witnessing the booming of outbound Chinese tourism. 支付宝是五亿两千万用户们的生活方式平台。支付宝陪伴它的用户走遍全球68 个国家和地区,见证了中国出境旅游的蓬勃发展。   4. I have a dream——to create a world where mobile payment replaces cash payment. In this world, people can travel the entire globe with just a mobile phone. And today, please join me, to make this world a cashless world. 支付宝有一个梦想,创造一个移动支付代替现金支付的世界。在这个世界里,人们只带一部移动手机就可以游遍全球。现在,加入支付宝吧,把这个世界变成无现金的世界。