【双语】汪国真The Autumn Scenery of the Small Lake《小湖秋色》

【双语】汪国真The Autumn Scenery of the Small Lake《小湖秋色》

2018-08-17    04'18''

主播: 小猫咪-浅墨轻语

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小湖秋色 文/汪国真 翻译/蒋隆国 诵读/小猫咪   秋色里的小湖 小湖里的秋色 岸在水里小憩 水在岸上漾波 风来也婆娑 风去也婆娑 湖边稀垂柳 湖中鱼儿多 小湖什么都说了 小湖什么都没说   The Autumn Scenery of the Small Lake(first issue) Word /Wang guo zhen ;Translated by /Jiang long guo Reading/Little cat     The autumn scenery is in the small lake The small lake is in the scenery of autumn The shore rests in the water The water ripples on the shore The lake dances with the wind coming The lake dances with the wind away By the lake, there are few willows In the lake, there is lots  of  fish The small lake says everything The small lake doesn’t say anything