心晴的7分钟茶艺英语 4承载器皿

心晴的7分钟茶艺英语 4承载器皿

2017-07-29    05'00''

主播: 心晴学茶

48 1

心晴的7分钟茶艺英语 4、 Tea Containers and Vessels (承载器皿) 1 A: Wow! The canister looks so pretty. (啊,这罐子真漂亮。) B: It is a tea canister. (这是茶叶罐。) A: Is it an artware? (这是工艺品吗?) B: Yes, it is. It is a tea container and also a craft. (是的,它可用于装茶叶,同时也是一种工艺品。) 2 A: This one is also very pretty. (这东西也很漂亮。) B: Yes. It is a tea tray (是的,它是茶盘。). A: What is it used for? (它有什么用处?) B: In the process of making tea, a lot of tea-wares will be put on it. So it is also called tea plate. (在泡茶时多数器皿都摆放在它的上边,所以也称茶船。) 3 A: The cart seems interesting. (这辆小推车很有趣。) B: It is a tea cart. (这是泡茶车。) A: With the cart, you can go anywhere to make tea, am I right? (推着它到处都可以去泡茶,对吗?) B: Yes, you are right. It is mainly used in restaurants. (对,它主要用在餐厅中。)