【故事】126. School Mascot

【故事】126. School Mascot

2017-08-17    01'53''

主播: 开口英语

704 3

26. School Mascot 校吉祥物 Lisa needed a job to pay for a car. She needed a car so she could get to school and other places more easily. Lisa saw an ad looking for a school mascot(吉祥物). It was paying $12 an hour, which was a lot for a high school student. She went to the try-outs(选拔). The interviewer(面试者) asked Lisa why she wanted the job, and why she thought she would be a good fit(合适). Lisa said that she was very proud of being a tiger and would love to get other students excited about the school's sports teams. Lisa found out that she got the job! Her first day of work would be at the football game tonight. When she got to the football field(运动场), she put on(穿上) her costume(戏服) and her tiger head. It was smelly(难闻的) and hot inside. She kept thinking about how she needed a car. Then, she overheard(无意听到) someone say that it would suck(差劲) to wear the tiger costume. Lisa felt bad about the job. Lisa's high school football team won. The crowd(人群) got up from their seats and cheered(欢呼). A lot of people wanted to take a picture with the tiger. Lisa spent an hour just taking pictures. After the day was over, Lisa thought about how much money she made. It was the only thing keeping her going.
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