

2018-04-16    01'31''

主播: 流年の

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According to the National Survey of Family Growth,less than two-thirds of first marriages(64 percent)will last up to 10 years. 全国家庭成长调查显示,只有不到三分之二(64%)的初婚(第一次婚姻)可以持续10年之久。 Sacrifice is the essence of love;it is the substance of it.The antonym to sacrifice is selfishness.However,there are four predictors of divorce can be found in couples experiencing conflict. 1.Criticism is not just complaining;it is attacking the value and personality of another person. 2.Contempt involves building a mental case against one's partner.They think about ways to get even before anything has been said. 3.Defensiveness is the human response of when to fire back insults in retaliation.Couples,at this point,are looking to be justified rather than discuss the core issue. 4.Stonewalling is a significant step toward divorce if left unchecked.Stonewalling involves withdrawing emotionally and sometimes physically from the relationship. 爱的精髓是自我牺牲,这是爱的内涵。牺牲的对立面就是自私。而夫妻之间的冲突中可以发现四种离婚指标。 1.批评不仅仅是抱怨,它会否定对方的价值,攻击对方的人格。 2.蔑视是对另一半的思维定式(思维加锁),甚至在还什么都不清楚情况下他们就会产生“蔑视”的观点。 3.自我防备是人们在反击对方的侮辱时做出的反应。在这个时候,夫妻不去解决核心问题,而是急着去辩解反驳。 4.冷战(拒绝沟通),如果放任不管的话,会成为通往离婚的非常重要的一步。冷战会使人在心灵上甚至身体上退出这段感情。
上一期: 第四集打卡
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