

2018-04-18    01'10''

主播: 流年の

14 0

For the past forty years,the American middle class has gotten slowly,surely purposefully,and not terribly gently screwed.How the middle class got screwed? In the 50s and 60s,a family can do pretty well on just a single income.But by the mid-1970s,the screwing had begun.Most people didn't know they were getting screwed.They just knew that one income was no longer enough.So,the second parent,usually mom,had to start working to maintain the same standard of living.But even that wasn't enough to keep up. Middle-class families were left with no choice but to take out huge loans to pay for college and housing. Eventually,they were forced to put health care,their car,even basic living expenses on credit.So where does this leave the average American middle-class citizen?Screwed,shafted,fearing for their finances, and fearing for the future of their children,and very very deep in debt. 在过去的四十年中,美国中产阶级遭到了缓慢、坚决和粗暴的压榨。那中产阶级是怎样被压榨的? 在上世纪五六十年代,一个家庭即使只靠一份收入也能过得很好。但到了七十年代中期,压榨就开始了。大多数人都没意识到他们正在走下坡路,他们只知道一份工资不够养家了。所以父母中的另一方,通常是母亲,也不得不开始工作来维持生计。但即便如此也不足以维持原来的生活水平。 中产阶级家庭别无选择,只能通过巨额贷款来交学费、买房子。最终,连医保、车子,甚至基本的生活开销都要靠信用贷款。后来,那些普通美国中产阶级怎么样了?他们被压榨,受蒙骗,为生计而忧虑,为孩子的未来而担忧,并且债台高筑。
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