

2018-04-18    01'08''

主播: 流年の

5 0

One day,she came home,and she was emotional.I hadn't asked anything.I knew that she hadn't been feeling well.She couldn't open a water bottle one day.She。chucked it and just started crying.And I said,What's wrong?And that's when she told me.And she goes,I don't know what。to do,the list is 7 to 10 years long.And it just vomited out of me.I was like,of course I'll get tested.I called her assistant andI said,"Give me the information.I want to do this.” She lived with me in this interesting time where my kidneys were just done.That was it.I didn't want to ask a single person。in my life.The thought of asking somebody to do that was really difficult for me.She volunteered and did it.And let alone some- body wanting to volunteer,it is incredibly difficult to find a match.The fact that she was a match,I mean,that's unbelievable.That's not real. 一天,她回到家,情绪有点激动。我什么也没问。我知道她感觉非常糟糕。她甚至无法拧开一瓶水。她把水瓶扔到一边开始哭泣。我问她怎么了。那时她才告诉我她生病了。她哭着说,我不知道该如何是好,等待器官捐赠可能需要七年甚至十年之久。我心里马上有了这样一个想法,我要去做配型测试。我让她的助理给我相关信息,我想去这么做。 在我肾衰竭的时候,是她伴我度过了一段愉快的时光。我从未想过要求别人来为我做这些,让别人来做这件事对我来说于心不忍。而她自愿去做了,并成功了—要知道找到一个配型成功的人有多困难,更不必说是自愿捐献了。结果她配型成功了。我的意思是,这简直让我不敢相信。这不像是真的。