

2018-04-30    01'10''

主播: 流年の

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With such beautiful landscape throughout the whole country,it's no wonder that Norwegians love the great outdoors.The different cities,towns,countryside and scenic rail trips are exceptional here.With a welcoming atmosphere,it has become a popular destination. The 80-acre Park in westem Oslo,features sculptures by Gustav Vigeland.Every year over one million locals and tourists visit the park,which is open around the clock daily. Known as Norway's best-of-all city, Stavanger holds several lively events.The most scenic and interesting parts of this city surround its harbor.Insider's tip,don't forget the day trip to Pulpit Rock. The Bergen line is an ideal starting point for a trip to the Norwegians fjords.When traveling between Oslo and Bergen,go by train.The Bergen railway is one of the most scenic train lines in the world.The steepest railway in Europe.An incredible journey from mountain to Fjord.A one-hour adventure. 整个国家的风景都如此美丽,难怪挪威人喜欢 户外活动。不同的城市,城镇,乡村和风景优 美的铁路旅行都是这里的特色。还有这种好客 的氛围,使它成为受欢迎的目的地。这座占地 80英亩的公园位于奥斯陆西部,以古斯塔夫· 维格朗的雕塑为特色。每年都有超过一百万的 当地人和游客来参观这个公园,公园全天24小 时开放。斯塔万格被称为是挪威最棒的城市, 举办好几场热闹的活动。在港口周围有最漂亮 的风景和最有趣的地方。内幕消息:别忘了去 布道台一日游。卑尔根铁路线是去往挪威峡湾 游玩的理想起点,当你在奥斯陆和卑尔根之间 旅行时,坐火车去。卑尔根铁路线是世界上最 美的铁路线,是欧洲最陡峭的铁路线。穿过山 脉到达峡湾是一次了不起的旅行,一个小时的 冒险。
上一期: How to pack for a trip