2018-05-06    00'52''

主播: 流年の

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Let's learn about giraffes.With long long necks and long legs,giraffes are the tallest living land animals.Some giraffes reach a height of more than 17 feet.They are mammals,which means they are warm-blooded.They have fur,and they feed their babies milk.Giraffes live in Africa,south of the Sahara Desert.They prefer to live in open woodland or grassland,where they eat the leaves from trees that other animals can't reach.Giraffes are herbivores or plant-eaters.They can eat leaves from acacia trees because their long tongues and tough lips let them eat around the thorns. 我们一起来了解下长颈鹿。长颈鹿有着长长的脖子和长长的腿,是陆地上最高的动物。有些长颈鹿能长到17英尺多。长颈鹿是哺乳动物,这就意味着他们是恒温动物。他们有皮毛,需要给他们的宝宝喂奶。长颈鹿生活在非洲撒哈拉沙漠以南地区。他们更喜欢生活在开阔的林地或草原上,在那里他们吃那些其他动物无法够得到的树叶。长颈鹿是食草动物或者叫植食 动物。他们可以吃金合欢树的叶子,因为他们有长长的舌头,嘴唇坚韧(上面有一层角质隆概),防止在取食时被刺刮伤。