

2018-05-11    01'02''

主播: 流年の

8 0

One billion of us own a smartphone.And we know how addicting it can be.One former Google employee says this is no accident.Indeed,it is by design.So,it's not about giving you all this freedom.It's about sucking you in to take your time.I feel like I don't feel very good after that.I feel like my anxiety goes up.I feel more concerned about what I'm missing,what I'm missing out on,who I haven't gotten back to,peoplethink that I'm bad at getting back to them. All of this sort of psychology emerges all because of this one thing in my pocket.And we have never had a media device that literally a billion people are kind of being programmed the same way,where so much influence is in the hands of a few technology designers. 我们中有十亿人拥有智能手机。大家都知 道手机的吸引力有多大。一位前谷歌员工 称这并不是偶然。事实上,这是故意设计 而成的。所以,这根本不是给你自由,而 是吸引你去花费自己的时间。 我觉得(在那之后)我感觉不太好。我变 得更焦虑了。我更担心我会错过什么,担 心我会忘记给谁回话,人们认为我回复得 不够快。 所有这种心理表现都是我口袋里的这个东 西(手机)造成的。之前我们从未有过一 个这样的媒体设备,真的会让十亿人形成 同一种习惯,而这一强大力量就掌握在少 数科技设计人员的手里。
上一期: 我黑我骄傲
下一期: 小猪第八集