

2018-05-09    01'04''

主播: 流年の

12 2

A study found that Black women's skin typically ages about 10 years slower than white women's skin.Here's why.Human skin has three layers,the epidermis,the dermis and hypodermis.Melanocytes in the epidermis produce melanin,a natural skin pigment.Melanin blocks UV rays which can accelerate the aging process. Black men and women produce more melanin in their skin,which results in darker pigments.The more melanin in your skin,the more protection you have against the harmful effects of sun exposure.Too much exposure to UV rays can cause skin to age quicker,resulting in wrinkles and sunspots.So,it's important for women with all skin tones to protect their skin from sun damage,even with the glorious perks of melanin. 一项研究发现,黑人女性的皮肤衰老速度通常比白人女性的皮肤衰老速度慢10年左右。下面是原因,人的皮肤有三层,表皮,真皮,皮下组织。表皮中的黑色素细胞产生黑色素,这是自然肤色。黑色素能阻挡加速皮肤老化的紫外线。 黑人男性和女性的皮肤会产生较多的黑色素,从而形成了更深的肤色。你的皮肤产生的黑色素越多,就越能保护你的皮肤不受太阳照射的伤害。长时间暴露在紫外线下会使皮肤衰老得更快,产生皱纹和晒斑。所以对于所有肤色的女性,保护好自己的皮肤免受太阳的伤害至关重要,无论是否有黑色素带来的巨大福利。
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