

2018-05-11    01'11''

主播: 流年の

18 0

I really feel that exercise is so important in my day-to-day life because it really just makes me feel better and。makes me feel energized and so I try just my best to schedule it 3-4 times a week,no matter what.You know l have a super busy schedule,but I'm quite known for multitasking.Quite often I'll do Pilates with face mask on.Even if it's just for twenty minutes,I find that that is so much more worthwhile than doing nothing at all. With Kundalini yoga,there sometimes like,can be so challenging with the repetitions.You know your arms get。tired and it's like you wouldn't even think that it was a tiring exercise but。when you're like doing this for you。know a certain number of minutes,it。really teaches you that endurance and that stamina that you need to kind。of get through,not just everyday。challenges,but like especially childbirth. 我真切地感受到锻炼身体对于日常生活的重要性,因为它让我感觉很棒、精力充沛。所以我每周都计划安排3到4次的锻炼,风雨无阻。我的行程很满,你知道的,但是我也擅长多任务处理,我经常一边敷面膜一边做普拉提。即便只有20分钟的时间,那也比什么都不做要好得多。 有时候,练习Kundalini瑜伽时,重复动作可能是很大的挑战。你的手臂会觉得疲惫,你甚至想象不到这是一项会令人感到如此疲惫的运动。一套动作,你持续练习若干分钟后,会发现需要持久力和耐力才能完成一—当然,任何挑战都需要持久力和耐力,比如生孩子。
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