

2018-05-15    01'08''

主播: 流年の

28 2

One of the keys to Apple is Apple's an incredibly collaborative company. And,so...you know how many com- mittees we have at Apple?(No.) Zero.We have no committees.We are organized like a startup.We're the biggest startup on the planet. And we all meet for 3 hours once a week and we talk about everything we are doing,the whole business. And there's tremendous teamwork at the top of the company,which fil- ters down to tremendous teamwork throughout the company.And team- work is dependent on trusting the other folks to come through with their part without watching them all the time. We have wonderful arguments.If you want to hire great people and have them stay working for you,you have to let them make a lot of deci- sions.You have to be run by ideas, not hierarchy.The best ideas have to win.Otherwise,good people don't stay. 苹果公司的秘诀之一就是我们是一个极其 协作的公司。然后,你知道我们有多少个 委员会吗?(不知道。)零。我们没有委 员会。我们的组织架构就像创业公司一 样。我们是全球最大的创业公司。每周我 们都会开三小时的会议,讨论所有手头工 作,整个事业。公司的高层有着极好的团 队合作,层层浸透,使得整个公司都有着 极佳的协作力。团队合作依赖于信任他人 能在不被全程跟盯的情况下成功完成他们 的那部分工作。 我们也有非常精彩的争论。如果你想要雇 佣优秀的员工并且让他们留下来为你工作 的话,那你就必须给与他们做决策的机 会。公司的运营必须是靠“想法”,而不是 “等级制度”。好的想法必须有话语权。否 则,优秀的人不会留下来。