时尚女魔头Anna Wintour的箴言

时尚女魔头Anna Wintour的箴言

2018-05-17    01'02''

主播: 流年の

37 0

Mediocrity(bores me).If you see a collection that is,you feel the designer has been lazy or taking inspiration from other designers,it doesn't as much bore me as anger me.I'm a great believer in traveling.a great deal.I think the more you.go out,the more you see,the experience life,the more you.bring back to your day job. So,as I was trying to say in my remarks,I think the problem about.big corporations is you get a lot of people(of)my age trying to hold.on to their jobs,clinging on to their.pensions and their retirement,and they're not experiencing new things,and they don't like change.and they don't like disruption.So,either they don't make a decision or they say no and as a result they stagnate.It's terribly important to bring people in from the outside,and not to remain too insular. (我讨厌)平庸。如果你看到了一系列新装作品,给你的感觉是设计师没有用心,或是他剩窃了其他设计师的灵感,与其说这会让我感觉厌恶,还不如说这更让我觉得愤怒。我坚信旅行的意义。出去越频繁,见识越多,体验越多,就能给你的日 常工作带来越多的灵感。 正像我之前试着要表达的一样,我觉得大公司的问题是,公司里许多我这个年龄段的人牢牢占据着他们的职位,尽力保留住他们的养老金和退休金。他们不体验新事物,不喜变化,讨厌中断。他们要么不做出任何决定,要么就只会“否决”,因此他们没有进步,裹足不前。(所以说)从外部引进新人很重要,不要因循守旧。