

2018-05-16    01'03''

主播: 流年の

33 0

Fat shaming:this is the one the parents have a serious problem with.Essays have been written on the fat shaming topics in Peppa Pig.The character that's usually the victim of these jokes is their dad.Since Peppa's family are,well,pigs,they are naturally a bit morechunky.But fitting into the stereotype,the dad is obviously chunkier than anyone else. The show has a running gag of Peppa,and the rest of the family casually joking about their dad's big belly.These jokes just keep on going and going,and it apparently doesn't sit well with the parents whose kids are repeating Peppa's words.You can find a fat shaming joke in just about every episode.Pointing out that someone has a big tummy just isn't OK in the real world.It could lead to terrible consequences. 肥胖歧视:这是令家长们非常反感的一个问题。已经有文章指出《小猪佩奇》存在肥胖歧视问题。在动画中,被歧视的角色是猪爸爸。因为佩奇一家是猪的形象,所以他们自然都胖嘟的,但即便如此,猪爸爸也明显比其他角色胖得多。 在剧中,猪爸爸的大肚子一直都是佩奇和其他家庭成员们嘲笑的梗。这类玩笑没完没了,而孩子们会模仿佩奇的话,很显然这令他们的家长无法接受。几乎动画的每一集都涉及肥胖歧视的玩笑。在现实中,直接指出人家有个大肚子是很不对的,甚至可能导致严重 的后果。