Every minute of every day,245 children are born around the world,that's 2.5 million children a week and 128 million children a year.Every one of those children is born full of potential,but they won't get there without everyone's help. From the start,a baby needs to be loved,cared for,and protected from neglect.A baby needs to be protected from illness and disease.A baby needs to be clothed and fed a healthy diet so she can grow strong. As a child grows,he needs to feel safe to explore,that means a safe place to live and play,safe drinking water, healthy food,clothes,and someone to catch him when he falls,so he can reach his milestones and get help when he doesn't. As a child grows,she needs a chance to learn,free from discrimination.A child needs to be encouraged to ask questions,to develop their curiosity and unleash their imaginations,and time to play for sports,for leisure activities and for cultural traditions. As a child matures,he needs a chance to spread his wings,that means the freedom to express himself and the freedom from exploitation in all forms.That also means access to information and opportunities to gain experience that will help them give back as adults. Will you help a child in your life reach their dreams?You have more power than you think,to nurture,protect,inspire,and teach,and to help a child reach their full potential. 全世界,每分钟都会有245个婴儿出生,也就是一周250万个,一年12800万个。每个新生儿都蕴藏着无限潜能,但如果没有人引导的话,他们是没办法发掘这些潜能的。 最开始,婴儿需要关爱,呵护,不被忽视;婴儿需要受到保护,免于疾病的侵害;婴儿需要衣物,健康的饮食,如此才能茁壮成长。 在孩子的成长过程中,他需要有安全感才能去探索,也就是说,安全的住所与玩耍场地,安全的饮用水,健康的食物,衣物,可以在他摔倒时扶起他的人,这样他才能到达他人生的里程碑,并且在他无法抵达的时候获得帮助。 在孩子成长的过程中,她需要学习的机会,不受歧视。孩子需要有人去鼓励他们提出问题,培养他们的好奇心,释放他们的想象力,他们需要有时间进行运动与休闲,还要有时间进行有文化传统的熏陶。 当孩子变得成熟,他需要一个展翅飞翔的机会,能够让他自由地表达自己的机会,不受到任何利用。也就是说,能够获取信息、能够得到经验的机会,从而在他们长大成人后才能回报社会。 在你的生活中,你愿意帮助孩子去实现他们的梦想吗?你比你想象中有更多的能力来培养,保护,激励,教导并帮助孩子们去发挥他们所有的潜能。
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