

2018-05-29    00'46''

主播: 流年の

78 0

Snapchat is a camera.No,not that kind of camera.It's this kind of camera.It's a camera that adds magic to your yard and makes early mornings a little more fun.It brings your best friend with you anywhere you go and comes with your very own mini-me.It's a camera with a map so you can travel the world on your morning commute.It can lead to adventure and help get you there.It's a camera for talking because a Snap says more than a text.So yeah,Snapchat is a camera where how you feel matters more than how you look. Snapchat 是一款“相机”,不,不是那种相机。它是这样的相机;它可以给你的庭院施加魔法,使清晨变得更加有趣。它可以带上你的好朋友去任何地方,它还能随时随地生成一个迷你版的你。它是一款带有地图的“相机”,让你在早晨上班的途中也能欣赏世界各地的风景。它可以带你去探险,并协助你到达目的地。它是一款用于交流的“相机”,因为一张“快照”比文字更有表达力。所以,是的,Snapchat是一款“相机”,在Snapchat 中,你的感受比你的外表更重要。
上一期: Child
下一期: 教你打败“起床气”