

2018-05-31    00'57''

主播: 流年の

96 1

For many of us,waking up early is a huge pain in the ass.Some of us like to address this problem by setting alam clocks,but then we often find ourselves feeling tired and sluggish.So how exactly does one wake up early and not feel tired? A lot of us like to browse our phones in bed or watch TV,or even eat.And this is bad because our brains look for cues for habits.What this means is that when you do any of these activities in bed,your brain starts to associate your bed with eating or watching shows.And this causes you to feel cravings such as hunger.So,when you use your bed for only sleep,your brain starts associating it with only sleep. 对我们许多人来说,早起是件非常痛苦的事情。有些人喜欢通过设闹钟来解决早起问题,但那样起来后,我们常会感到疲倦,无精打采。所以到底怎样做才能早起又不疲惫呢? 我们很多人都喜欢在床上看手机,或者是看电视,甚至是吃东西。这种习惯非常不好,因为我们的大脑会寻找那些因习惯而产生的暗示。意思就是说,当你在床上做这些活动中的任何事情时,你的大脑就会把床和吃东西或看节目联系在一起,从而会导致你产生一种难以抑制的渴望,比如饥饿。所以,在你的床只是用来睡觉时,那你的大脑就会把床只和睡觉联系在一起。
上一期: Snapchat
下一期: “相爱相杀”手足情深